Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Wilfred.

Im going to vote Labour. Actually better not, don’t want mr Harman claiming porn on his wifes expenses. Again.

If you had a pound for every person that suggested peadophiles and sex offenders should be sterilised or executed… The BNP want this. If you think the EU is a waste, the BNP want out aswell.

The govt seem to put more effort into altering nursery rhymes than they do for elderly care home standards.

The govt seem to think we should all be happy clappy. Wake up, this is reality. Ignorant band wagon riders claim BNP are Nazi’s. Fools! They themselves cannot see they are brainwashed by leftwing newspapers and articles.

Govt is too full of over analytical idiots, more interested in paperwork than their constituants.

Time for change, roll on May!

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Charlie, you said you are an atheist and religion is a waste of time. Arguably one could call you intolerent….
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