Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Julian.

If the BNP gain ground in this or any other election its down to the three main parties gagging any real or serious debate about immigration. People have a right to be worried about the country they live in and what they see as a threat to their way of life without being branded a racist or monster for having this worry and wanting to debate it openly and feel as if the “reasonable” parties are listening and responding to these concerns. If you drive these concerns underground and people feel surpressed then don’t be surpised if they rebel through voting BNP…don’t forget what happened in Germany in the 1930’s one of the most cultured nations on Earth…and why because people didn’t feel they had a voice until one voice was heard above all others! If the mainstream parties are really concerned over these issues then its about time they started to address BNP as in British National Pride….as having pride in your country and your heritage does not make you a bad person..and calling yourself British is not racist as was a view some years ago…everytime some left winger removes a nurses cross or states that Christmas cards with religious scenes are offensive or that sharia law will inevitably dominate Britain then they are putting another X next to the BNP candidate in the voting booth…Wake up!

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