Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by Simon Milton.

When someone spouts the word racist what do they mean by that term. Is it a claim that all races display and have the same attributes to each other in equal measure? The answer has to be no because that is simply not true. Races and peoples are different (which does not mean, overall, that one race is superior to another).

I do not believe that the BNP is racist (that does not mean that there are racists within their ranks). If a party wishes to preserve the indigenous population in terms of genetic stock and culture then that truly is a good thing. I will be voting for the BNP at the next election. What made me decide? Reading books: Race against time: racial heresies for the 21st century by j. Taylor and the Immigration Invasion by Arthur Kemp.
Plus articles on the web.
I will leave you my definition of what I believe constitutes a racist:
The belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits, and with that, the capacities and those racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a certain race.

I could go into more details but I believe that anybody who is racist (under what I have defined is racist) cannot produce a tenable argument to support their views. If the BNP don’t get in then this country will change – for what I believe to be – the worst. Balkanisation if you will.