Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by David.

“The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party.”

WRONG the BNP is a centre party NOT far/extreme right. There are far more right wing parties than the bnp in Britain today.

Since I did invite this type of comment and despite what you’ve said is a bit of a joke, I should respond.

Pretty much every source you’ll find will list the BNP as far right politically. It’s a joke to argue they are a centre politics party.

“The BNP under Nick Griffin wasted 10s of thousands of pounds of their member’s fees on fighting their illegal whites only membership policy through the courts.”

WRONG. We were dragged to the courts by a corrupt system determined to destroy us. Court fees were inevitable. The EGM at which the MAJORITY of bnp voting members voted to change the constitution was delayed by severe weather conditions.
Some members wanted to keep the constitution unchanged simply because of principle. The Black Police Association was not hauled up to court to change its membership criteria. Nor was the association of black lawyers. Why should they be allowed to keep restricting membership based on ethnicity when we are not? Equality and all that.

I love the black Police Association argument/comparison. The Black Police Association is not a political party, my understanding is it’s not illegal to have an organisation like the BPA to only allow members of one race, sex etc… That being said the BPA do allow white members, though not full members. Not familiar with the Association of Black Lawyers (same concept as the BPA?).

It is illegal for a political party to prevent membership on race. Do I agree with that law, NO, because political parties are out to represent a particular group in society and I have no problem with the BNP only representing white people born in Britain (why not?). If that’s what the British electorate want as MPs, so be it, if not they won’t vote BNP, isn’t that the whole point of politics? I don’t see this as any different to Labour representing the working class and the Conservatives representing big business and rich people.

My point was the BNP had an illegal whites only membership policy, (remind us how many non white members the BNP had again?) doesn’t matter if you or I agree the law that makes their membership policy illegal is wrong, what matters is the BNP leadership should have known better than to waste all that money on fighting a court case they couldn’t possibly win under current laws when a general election was approaching. That money probably could have fielded 400+ BNP candidates had they not wasted all that money on court case they couldn’t win! It suggests they are fiscally irresponsible or don’t want to gain power!

It restricted membership to only people of “Caucasian origin”.

WRONG. Membership was restricted to those of INDIGENOUS BRITTISH DESCENT. This meant the native peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Also known as the British Isles and referred to in the constitution as our homeland. Guess what the native brits are white. Big deal. If native brits were black we would still have restricted membership.
The BNP does not care about Skin Colour. Never has. We care about the British Culture and way of life and want to preserve it for our future and our children.

Please, that’s semantics. Indigenous population as you say means white and that makes the membership policy illegal. It’s irrelevant if it’s right or wrong, there’s loads of laws that are wrong, but we still have to follow them until they are changed (if ever).

“Firm but voluntary and very expensive incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home”

If Migrants want to go home they can go and we will help them. We won’t forcibly deport every single migrant we find. Only Illegal Migrants and Legal ones who have broken the law. Can’t say that’s not fair.

The above is a BNP policy from the 2005 general election manifesto, the exact wording is:

“We will end immigration to the UK and reduce our land’s population burden by
creating firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to
return home.”

The concept behind this policy is to reduce the number of people living in Britain, with a tendency to benefit the indigenous population: British white people aren’t offered a generous incentive to leave (the BNP want white people to stay).

This policy is in place in Denmark and it’s costing a small fortune to persuade settled immigrants to up and leave to their original country with their families.

“This policy would cost British tax payers billions and result in a shortage of trained workers”

WRONG. This policy would not cost billions. I doubt there are very many migrants who WANT to go home. We WILL help those that do. The education reforms (teaching skills and trades in school and scrapping student loans/debt ((education is a right NOT a privilege so education at college/university would be free for all supported and paid for by the state in the form of grants)) so that more people can learn valuable skills that benefit a working society) will ensure that there is no shortage of trained workers.

What has education reforms got to do with the costs of a voluntary repatriation scheme and the immediate shortages this would have on the country? Education/training takes years, unless you think your BNP brothers can over night become trained and experienced doctors, nurses and dentists to replace those the BNP have paid to leave?

It would take over a decade to replace the trained migrant workers we’d loose under a BNP government! And that’s assuming we could get the numbers in training ASAP, if it was that easy, why isn’t it already happening, why are not enough of our young people training to be doctors, engineers, scientists etc..?

For the repatriation policy to have an effect on the population it’s got to be taken up by millions of settled immigrants. It’s been shown in Denmark for this to work the government has to offer a lot of money, if you want to get rid of millions of legally settled immigrants it’s going to cost billions. Do the research you’ll see I’m right.

If it doesn’t get rid of millions from our population, what’s the point, that would make it a failed BNP policy?

Add to this the BNP want to reduce the number of Muslims in Britain, you can imagine the people this “firm but voluntary incentives” policy would target for voluntary repatriation. I’m curious what “firm but voluntary” means?

“And the repeal of anti-discrimination legislation whilst adding more discriminating legislation to favour the “indigenous population”.

We won’t be adding discriminating legislation to favour the indigenous. The repeal of these laws is for one simple fact. The job should go to the person best suited for it. NOT the person who helps fill a politically correct quota. Best man for the job.

Erm, the BNP are always talking about British Jobs for British Workers, that’s not a “Best man for the job” approach (I agree it should be best man for the job). If the BNP gained power and brought in British Jobs for British Workers legislation that would be discriminating legislation to favour the “indigenous population”.


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