Comment on Reasons to Vote British National Party by rosie.g.

We need better government.

We will not get better government by voting for a repetition of the same tedious policies that got Britain into this mess in the first place.

We are now a vassal state, subject to the dominion of an undemocratic EU with an unelected president.

We send our young men to fight and die just to bring ‘democracy’ to places like Iraq and Aphganistan, yet here at home we accept a totally undemocratic president of Europe without complaint?
How can we accept that?
There is no democratic mandate for Europe, and none at all for its new ‘president’.

In voting for the BNP we will be declaring, amongst other things, our distaste for a European superstate with an unelected president, and our distaste for being governed from Brussels by foreigners.
We will also be declaring our distaste for the way in which our country has been flooded with immigrants, again, done without democratic mandate.

We must use our democratic powers to stop the progressive destruction of Britain and the British heritage by Politicians who treat elections as just a meaningless formality. They ‘know’ one of them will win, Labour or Tory, and see it just as a change of crew, not a change of direction.

To vote BNP is by no means stupid, as it will achieve the aim of securing better government, even if the BNP do not win outright, it will be a ‘wake-up call’ to the old guard, who should be watching out for us, but have fallen asleep on duty.

Your introductory insults simply reflect on your own intellect, it would be wiser not to insult people you know nothing about.

Support Britain, support the British.
Support the BNP.

More Comments on Reasons to Vote British National Party by rosie.g

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