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Andrew can I ask if the BNP and the EDL are not linked why do you keep posting EDL videos?
I think the edl and bnp have the same opinion on islam. That doesn’t mean they are connected in any way. Dont get too excited voteno.
They are not linked but both are appealing to me personally as I am against the Islamic colonisation of the UK. I have no problems with Black or Jewish people at all, in fact integration of other cultures made Britain great at one time, not so much now, unregulated immigration is destroying this country and needs to be stopped.
EDL are a protest group.
BNP the only political solution.
Vote BNP
Save Britain.
I am against the Islamic colonisation of the UK
Thanks for you honest answer Andrew
Some Tory Vids to balance the BNP/EDL Stuff
so because Andrew posts a vid on edl, suddenly you make a link with bnp and edl. Where did you come up with that one? That is a typical uaf point of view. Where on Andrews post does it say anything about the bnp??
Actually it was a general question the BNP keep trying their best to (rightly) distance themselves from the EDL so I was wondering why Andrew (who is a BNP voter) would post EDL Promo’s when his party is against the EDL that was all, wasn;t assuming any link was asking the question.
Labour Party Back the Ban on fox Hunting
Vote Labour in 2010 for a British Society that cares…
Labour Party Douglas Alexander on International Development
Douglas Alexander, talks about the importance of International Development.
Vote Labour in 2010 for a British Society that cares…
An anagram of David Cameron is- I am Dave, Dr Con.
David Cameron torn apart on the Andrew Marr show (1/3)
Lord Snooty’s ridiculous attempt to explain his stance on the Lisbon Treaty, now scuppered by the Irish ‘yes’ vote.
David Cameron torn apart on the Andrew Marr show (2/3)
Next up, ol’ snake eyes fails to answer a question on the extra million that will be put on the dole due to his first budget if he comes to power.
David Cameron torn apart on the Andrew Marr show (3/3)
It gets toe-curlingly embarassing from hereon in, but only for the lad himself, his toff Bullingdon mates and/or tory supporters..
Vote BNP
Save Britain
An anagram of David Cameron is- I am Dave, Dr Con
Gordon Brown stirs the crowds at the Labour Party Conference
Prime Minister Gordon Brown tries to connect with voters as he gives his final speech to the Labout party conference before a general election.
The Labour Party Queen’s Speech PPB.
First broadcast 18th November 2009
Vote Labour in 2010 for a British Society that cares…