If you remember throughout the week Schools Secretary Michael Gove has made several errors about the axed school list. But he has caused more confusion for schools that originally thought they were safe. Just like schools in Wigan and Bolton, they reached the milestone to avoid the slash but they their names were put along […]
Schools Secretary Michael Gove Causes More Confusion With Axed Schools
Prime Minister David Cameron Finds a Bat in His Flat Political Cartoon
Apparently a Bat found it’s way into the Prime Minister David Cameron’s Flat. Samantha Cameron Saw the furry creature and phoned her hubby just as he got out his car. Enjoy :D Artist/Author: Caleb Law age: 13
Deputy PM Nick Clegg Makes a Speech All on His Own – To a Very Troublesome House of Commons
The Training wheels are off and David Cameron drops the leash – The Big Boy Clegginator enjoy’s PM-free independence. Nick Clegg has dropped PM David Cameron being very brave and making a speech without any interruption by the coalition cabinet. Other than the unruly MP’s in the House of Commons Nick Clegg sailed through the Parliamentary session, there wasn’t […]
Philip Hammond Braces Public Sectors For Slashes – Telling Them to Prepare for 40% Cuts Political Cartoon
Minster’s stock the public sector’s up with protective padding – telling them to prepare for a 40% budget slash. Transport Secretary Philip Hammond speaking on the Andrew Marr show tells departments to prepare for a 40% slash even though no cut in budget will be that harsh. Strange behaviour by the Transport Secretary, he’s making […]
Political Teaching in Schools Should be Encouraged by the Coalition Government
This post is only MY opinion BTW. I’m Home-Educated and I think children should in the future be taught politics in school. Before the May 6th General Election I was very naive, I didn’t care about politics, it seemed like some dry boring subject that dull people learn about and followed, to me it was something I […]
David Cameron to Oppose Electoral Change to the Alternative Vote
Gordon Brown: I believe in a fair and democratic electoral system – David Cameron: I believe in sneaking in through the back door with Nick Clegg. Prime Minister David Cameron to oppose the referendum on electoral change from first past the post to the alternative vote on may 2011. It comes after Gordon Brown and the Labour […]
Theresa May Apologises After Policy Announcement to Media Before MP’s
Home Secretary Theresa May apologises after announcing non-EU Immigration Cap to the Media before telling MP’s. It comes after Speaker John Bercow looked into a complaint by a labour MP when the story was published in the newspapers on Monday. He said details given to journalists and were “similar” to a statement then made to […]
Leaked Treasury Figures Predicts 1.3m Jobs Lost – Report Claims
A report containing leaked treasury figures claims 1.3m jobs could be lost by 2015, the guardian newspaper has predicted that 120,000 public sector jobs and 140,000 private sector jobs could vanish annually for the next five years. Important Labour figures say the true cost of the budget was now clear. But the government says independent experts expect “unemployment […]
The Coalition Government’s First Major Outing Political Cartoon
Today the coalition cabinet went to their first major outing outside of London infact to Bradley, all of the coalition MP’s had to take the train (and not first class) all except the prime minister for “security reason’s” they probably all hate him now. This should have been their form of transport; Enjoy :D Artist/Author: […]
Chancellor George Osborne’s Axe Dangles Over Incapacity Benefit – But will It Be Cut?
Nothing is Safe From the Chancellor Not Even Essential Services. George Osborne has indicated that Incapacity Benefit (a benefit for disabled people under the state pension age) may be cut. George Osborne said he wants to protect those in “genuine need” while encouraging those who could work to do so. Currently in the UK over […]
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg Returns to Sheffield Hallam to Speak with Forgemasters
Wasn’t Young Clegg so Great Before the Election – But now he’s grown up he’s Public Enemy No.2 (second to David Cameron). Nick Clegg has had to ‘crawl’ back to his constituency to talk to business leaders about snatching the loan away from nuclear development company Forge masters. He spoke to Tony peddler chairman of the board, and at his constituency office […]
Australia’s First Woman Prime Minister
Australia’s first Prime Minister – We had ours in the 80’s I know this is a UK political website but I couldn’t resist commenting on their first female Prime Minister of Australia. Julia Gillard Replaces Kevin Rudd in the Australian General Election 2010 I’m glad for them (Even though I miss Kevin basically because his […]
Pension Age to Rise to 66 in 2016 – and 70 in the Future
Put Back on your Slippers Gran – Your Going Back to Work I seriously don’t know what to say about this new coalition government policy, it’s good but must be applied with caution. There’s retired pensioners that can work (and want to) but can’t get employed because of their age, hopefully this could be put […]
Prime Minister David Cameron Vows to Tackle the Deficit Political Cartoon
Prime Minister David Cameron claims he will ‘tackle’ deficit, this led me to think well… that’s a little a little like American Football so ta-dah enjoy! Artist/Author: Caleb Law age: 13
The Budget 2010 – The Queen Fails to Get Pay Rise Political Cartoon
The Queen’s attempt to dip her paws in the taxpayers pocket, but is denied by Chancellor George Osborne. In Chancellor George Osborne’s Emergency Budget 2010 he refuses to give the queen a pay rise of £7.9 million, it is quite a no-brainer that if the country is in recession and money is tight you don’t […]
Chancellor George Osborne Bore’s Nick Clegg at Budget Speech 2010
Did anyone notice how Nick Clegg looked very bored at Chancellor George Osborne’s budget speech in the House of Commons. He was at the point of yawning and looked very exhausted so I made a political cartoon that addresses Nick Clegg’s boredom. Enjoy :D Artist/Author: Caleb Law age: 13