Remember during the General Election 2010 that big society that the Tories were ‘waffling’ about?… well David Cameron has launched that plan, and he’s serious. It gives more power to the people lets them have more control over their community and control the funding for projects and it sounds great… on paper. When I look […]
Prime Minister David Cameron Launches the Tories Big Society Plan
Tory MP Philip Hollobone Refuses to Talk to ANY Constituent Who Wears a Face Veil
Another Racist Tory MP – Anyone Surprised? Philip Hollobone has said he won’t talk with any constituent wearing a face veil (Burqa and Hijab) basically not doing his job. What a racist, denying to communicate with or help ANY member of his constituency who wears a face veil. Philip Hollobone had recently launched a campaign […]
BP Claim Gulf of Mexico Capped Oil Well Not Leaking
Keep your Eyes and Ears Open Pelicans – We’ve got great news. Barrels of oil have been spilling into the gulf of Mexico since April 2010, but the latest cap is suspected to have stopped the spill from progressing any further. Yes… those pelicans will be jumping with joy, after a well deserved bath and […]
NHS Sets Aside £1.7bn For Reorganisation and Reform
Should GP’s Take Over the NHS Budget? The NHS has set aside £1.7bn for reform and reorganisation, more than seven times the amount it aims to save. This money will help pave the way for GP’s to take over of the budget from managers in hospitals. NHS Boss Sir David Nicholas said it was to […]
UK MPs Investigate Firearms Law After Recent Gunman Shootings
MPs are investigating Firearms Laws after recent shootings in the UK. This action is sparked after 12 people were killed by gunman Derrick Bird and 1 killed and 2 injured by gunman Raoul Moat. The Investigation will look into the handling of guns, the ease of access to guns and if the gun laws are […]
PM David Cameron ‘Turns His Back’ on Free Over 60’s Bus Pass Election Promise
During the Election Campaign David Cameron said he would keep free bus passes for over 60’s, but it seems like he made a major U-turn on his old promise and ramped the age up to 65. Prime Minister David Cameron made changes to the £1bn concession scheme that allows 60 year old citizens take buses […]
Argentina First Country in Latin America to Legalise Gay Marriage
Legislation was passed in Argentinian parliament to allow gay marriages in the country. This makes Argentina the first Latin American country to allow marriages of same-sex couples. The Law which also allows same-sex couples to adopt children met fierce opposition by the catholic church. I think this law is great, it is both improvement to […]
Vince’s World: Business Secretary Vince Cable’s Launches Graduate Tax
Vince Cable has returned from his big TV disappearance – And the Elephant In the Room Has Got BIG News. Vince Is back and he’s got more attitude than ever slapping down policies left, right and centre he’s jumped from behind the parliamentary sofa and onto TV. Vince Cable has placed a graduate tax, this […]
Michael Gove’s Mistakes – The Aftermath Leaves Schools in ‘Limbo’
Well Just Ignore the Angry People Gove – Get on With Your Job and Act Like Nothing Happened. We all remember School Secretary Michael Gove and his 25 errors, and 4 lists chock-a-block with mistakes. Even though the truth that hasn’t clawed it’s way on the telly but it still is a truly sad truth. […]
UK General Election 2010 – UK Unemployment Fell to 2.47m In the Months Before
Official Figures show in the run up to May (General Election 2010) Unemployment fell 34,000 in the run up to the election. 3 months before the May 6th General Election 2010 the the amount of Unemployed in the UK fell by 34,000. What makes me laugh is a lot of the public played pin the […]
Parliament France – Should France Have Banned the Burqa?
A Bill has been passed making anyone with a face mask (any item of clothing that covers the face including the Muslim veil the Burqa and also the Balaclava) in a public place (street, shops etc…) can be arrested and given a €150 (euro) fine. This is utterly ridiculous, banning a face veil for no […]
Electoral Reform – Should We ‘Ditch’ the First Past the Post and Adopt the Alternative Vote?
First Past the Post (FPTP) has been our primary voting system, it’s simple and straight forward it does it’s job but for some not good enough. They want the new and Australian system called Alternative Vote (AV). But what is the Alternative Vote?; Well… currently we strike an “X” next to whoever we want to […]
Should the Liberal Democrats Stand Up For What they Believe In?
Since the Coalition the Liberal Democrats belief’s have slowly dissolved away, they seem to be acting as if they HAVE to appease the Conservatives (a bit like Neville Chamberlain but with the Nazi’s). But should the Liberal Democrats Stand up for what they believe in at the risk of looking like a unstable government and potentially […]
Should All UK Police Officers Carry Guns/Firearms?
Since the recent Cumbria shootings and the incidents with gunman Raoul Moat, some say that if police were allowed to carry guns then they would have been able to stop people like the Cumbrian gunman Derrick Bird from killing and injuring others. This is a subject of fierce debate, some believe that if police officers […]
Education Secretary Michael Gove Release’s Fifth List on Axed Schools Political Cartoon
Try, Try, Try Again – Did I get It Right? Education Secretary has released another axed school list, the fifth he’s made so far. Poor Michael has been getting it wrong all week, in effect mocking his job… the EDUCATION Secretary, you’d think he would have the intelligence to not get it wrong 4 times. […]
David Cameron Worries About Finding a ‘Good’ State School Political Cartoon
This is very confusing, David Cameron a Millionaire is sending his children to a state school instead of something like Eton. Why send your children to a standard school when you can send them to the (or close to) the best. He is basically jeopardising his child’s education in order to keep the public from […]