According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: A Conservative Government will improve Britain’s transport system to strengthen our economic competitiveness, provide better services for travellers and help fight climate change. THE HIGH SPEED RAIL REVOLUTION We will build […]
Conservative Policies : Conservative Transport Policy
Labour Policies : Labour International Development Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party have achieved the following in their time in power: Why Labour? The Labour government is recognised as a world leader on tackling global poverty. Labour believes that it is wrong that somebody’s chances in life depend on where they are born. That is why, in government, […]
UKIP Policies : Pollution, Hazards and Flood Control
According to the UK Independence Party website UKIP will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: 15.1. After reinstating British national control, UKIP would review the role of the existing governmental agencies concerned with all aspects of air quality, pollution and environmental hazard. We would ensure that there […]
UKIP Policies : The Far East-Asia
According to the UK Independence Party website UKIP will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: China is rapidly increasing its economic and military power. What it will do with this is as yet unclear, but the potential is clear. There are focal points of instability in the […]
Green Party Policies : Amateur Sport
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CMS850 Participation in amateur sport fosters good community relations and helps maintain people¹s physical fitness. The aim of sports education in school should be to encourage as many people as […]
Green Party Policies : Gun Control and Gun Crime
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CJ500 Gun crime is a particularly serious problem and the Green Party is committed to tackling it by ensuring a high level of gun control as well as addressing the […]
UKIP Policies : House of Lords Reform
According to the UK Independence Party website UKIP will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: UKIP proposes a hybrid house of appointed Lords and elected Lord Senators 200 elected Senators and 100 appointed Lords, plus 12 Law Lords and 5 Bishops. Elected Senators will provide greater democratic […]
BNP Policies : BNP Education Policy
According to the British National Party website the British National Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: Britain once led the world in education and technology – and can do so again, but only if it follows some basic rules to rebuild its educational system in […]