After my recent post below (and argument) About the fox Hunting I thought up a way to symbolise the Tory leader David Cameron, I put him in his off-camera attire. He actually looks normal in that, instead of his monkey-suit, why doesn’t he dress up like that on the campaign trail, I bet it would […]
The Real Modern Conservatives Political Cartoon
Your General Election Predication
We are finally in the last week of the election 2010 campaign and despite following the general election very closely I have to admit I ain’t got a clue what’s going to happen on May 6th!!!! My youngest son who is 13 has a section on this site called Real Clear Politics for Kids and […]
Election 2010 Hung Parliament Political Cartoon
This Cartoon is inspired by the 3rd and last live TV election debate. I found that Clegg has kept on top during the debates, and I thought to myself: “The Hung Parliament is Looming!” I made this to symbolise the steady advance of the possible Hung Parliament on May 6th, May the best man win […]
Election 2010 Gordon Brown Swoops in to Apologise Political Cartoon
After watching the News recently about Gordon Brown calling an old lady a ‘Bigot’ I thought I’d make a Political Cartoon about him hastily rushing in to apologise to the lady he offended. Artist/Author: Caleb Law age: 13
General Election BBC Live Prime Ministerial Debate in Birmingham
On Thursday (29th April) we see the third and final of three Live TV Prime Ministerial debates for the three main parties leaders: Gordon Brown : Labour David Cameron : Conservative Nick Clegg : Liberal Democrat The third Prime Ministerial TV debate is hosted by the BBC with David Dimbleby as the moderator and will […]
Broken Britain, Broken Society and the BIG Society
Is it just me or do others find it not only unpatriotic, but also unhelpful to refer to British society as broken, especially coming from a bloody Tory? Britain is not broken. Society is not broken. And while we are at it, Britain is not bankrupt. David Cameron is arguing Britain is not as nice […]
Compulsory ID Cards, Good or Bad for Britain Poll?
From the Labour party manifesto they have a policy to bring in ID cards: The new biometric ID scheme which already covers foreign nationals will be offered to an increasing number of British citizens, but will not be compulsory for them. It will help fight the growing threat of identity theft and fraud, as well […]
Election 2010 Tories Will Lift the Fox Hunting Ban
Let play a game of what if…. What if on May 6th the Conservative party won the election? Among other things Great Britain would look fine, supporters would cheer, parties would get on with it on the whole, people would be happy. But then as the months prevailed cracks would start to show, the toff-nosed […]