Election 2010 Political Highlights This election is not only the first I’ve studied/followed in depth but an interesting one. It all started at the polling booth with people being turned away, and having the first Green MP elected in the UK, we had some pathetic party election broadcasts like the tediously long Plaid Cymru advert […]
Election 2010 Campaign Political Highlights
Election 2010 Conservative Minority Government Good for Labour?
I’m going to throw out an idea mainly for Labour supporters to discuss, though I know it won’t only be Labour commenter’s :-) Considering Labour’s been in power 13 years, we’ve had two disastrous and very expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, ~10 years of economic success followed by 3 years of economic strife (not […]
Election 2010 It’s Officially a Hung Parliament
It’s Officially a Hung Parliament :D If you’ve watched the exit polls/results, then you have probably realised it’s a parliament. If your at home right now and scratching your head thinking “what’s a hung parliament?” well it means one party hasn’t got enough votes to establish a government on it’s own, so two parties join […]
2010 General Election Results
The UK general election 2010 results are in. Below is a table of results for all political parties that gained at least one parliamentary constituency. What a complete surprise that the Liberal Democrat rise in the polls did not equate even to a significant increase in the share of the popular vote and actually resulted […]
Election 2010 Three Way Marginal Parliamentary Constituency Seats
With the opinion polls pointing to a three horse race for the first time in our life time, there might be a few shock results on election night on May 6th. It very much depends on where the new Lib Dem support is coming from, is it shared equally from the other parties or mainly […]
Election 2010 Tactical Voting : Keep the Conservatives out of Government
I’m traditionally a Labour voter, but recently I’ve found myself drawn to the Liberal Democrats. After the live TV leaders debates I’m hoping for a big swing to the Lib Dems from the Conservatives to keep the Tories out of government for at least another 5 years. The most recent polls shows a hung parliament […]
Proportional Representation : The Single Transferable Vote
With a hung parliament looming and the most likely out come being a coalition government with the Lib Dems being the king makers, what will the Lib Dems expect for their support? Gordon Brown has already offered the Alternative Vote System, which isn’t a proportional representation form of voting system and is unlikely to be […]
Should the Hunting Ban be Lifted
Do you think the Hunting Bans should be lifted for info visit my Election 2010 The Tories will Lift the Hunting Ban Post Lift the Hunting Ban Poll