According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: DY600 Comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation of the highest standard will be introduced, along with the necessary means of implementing it. DY601 An end to the oppression of disabled people can only […]
Green Party Policies : Disability Social and Political Enablement
Green Party Policies : Advertising
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CMS680 Advertising has great impact on the world in which we live. The Green perspective is that in the context of deregulated commercial freedom and unsustainable consumption by citizens, advertising […]
Green Party Policies : National Lottery
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CMS460 The National Lottery has generated vast profits for a private company, while the portion of its income directed towards ‘good causes’ is distributed by unelected quangos. Conference believes that […]
UKIP Policies : Terrorism and Homeland Security
According to the UK Independence Party website UKIP will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: Terrorism and Homeland Security. UKIP would deport radical Imams back to countries where they are wanted for trial in line with existing bilateral prisoner exchange or new treaties. UKIP would use treason […]
Conservative Policies : Conservative National Security Policy
According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: The terrorist threat we face is serious in scale and duration. It is both international and home-grown States not only use armed force to challenge us. They play politics with the […]
Labour Policies : Labour Animal Welfare Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party have achieved the following in their time in power: Why Labour? Labour has a proud record on animal welfare. Over the past ten years, we have introduced laws which banned cruel and unethical practices such as drift net fishing and fur farming, set minimum standards for […]
BNP Policies : BNP Housing and Welfare Policy
According to the British National Party website the British National Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: Originally, benefits were meant as the state’s obligation to support those who genuinely are not in a position to support themselves. This guiding principle must always remain the guiding […]
UKIP Policies : Royal Navy
According to the UK Independence Party website UKIP will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: The Royal Navy is now under strength, despite manning standards being reduced on board ships. There are particular shortages in medical staff, weapons systems operators, leading hands (21% short), nuclear watch keepers, […]
Green Party Policies : Arts and Culture
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CMS400 For the purposes of this chapter ‘culture’ means all forms of artistic expression, including entertainment, such as film, drama, dance, painting, photography, sculpture, crafts, architecture, design music and similar […]
Green Party Policies : Sport
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CMS800 Sport can have a very positive influence on the society we live in. Participation in sport improves physical fitness, and sport can help provide a sense of community and […]
Green Party Policies : Censorship & Privacy
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CMS206 The Green Party is opposed to all forms of censorship in the media and cultural activities for adults. The state and persons holding positions of power to control activities […]
Green Party Policies : Climate Change and Rainforests
According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CC260 Deforestation accounts for several billion tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, and this figure is rising. Scientists are worried that deforestation has pushed the Amazon close to a tipping point […]
Liberal Democrats Policies : Government and Civil Liberties
According to the Liberal Democrats Party website the Liberal Democrats Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: Your privacy’s being undermined. There are plans for intrusive ID cards, and the Government snoops into our lives and keeps losing private information. Liberal Democrats will stop identity cards […]
Conservative Policies : Conservative Immigration Policy
According to the Conservative Party website the Conservative Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: Immigration can be a real benefit to the UK, but only if it is properly controlled with its impact on the economy, public services and social cohesion taken into account. Our […]
Labour Policies : Labour Asylum and Immigration Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party have achieved the following in their time in power: Why Labour? The protection of our borders is fundamental to the future of our country. We are committed to building on the progress we have made to create a system in which people can have confidence, which […]
UKIP Policies : Immigration
According to the UK Independence Party website UKIP will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: The UK Independence Party is calling for a five-year freeze on immigration into Britain and a future policy that would see migrants controlled by a points system similar to that operated by […]