The first time that I saw the 2010 Labour Manifesto I thought “where do I start?” it is WAY too big. I have to say the words are a little too small and the prospect of reading the whole manifesto is quite a daunting one. The Labour Manifesto does underline key facts, it tells the […]
Election 2010 Conservative Petitions and Banning Fox Hunting
I’m listening to David Cameron on BBC3 Dermot Meets David Cameron and realised a Conservative ‘untruth’. David Cameron is talking about a Big Society (which is total waffle IMO) and said they want to listen to the people and if they gain power after May 6th they’ll bring in the ability for the British people […]
Election 2010 – Conservative Manifesto Review
The Conservatives Manifesto is a photo minefield, it really contrast’s how little they have to say, they have filled it with page sized pictures, it makes you feel a little like a toddler reading the Gruffalo. The first page (as usual with the Tory party election broadcast’s) has a large photo of David Cameron on […]
Coalition Governments : Can Labour and the Liberal Democrats Play Nice?
With this weeks polls it looks like a hung parliament is the most likely outcome with the Labour party and the Conservative party seat numbers uncertain: some polls show Labour with most seats others with the Conservatives with most seats, but in all recent polls what’s clear is neither of the “old parties” (yes I’m […]
General Election SKY Live TV Leaders Debate in Bristol
On Thursday (22nd April) we see the second of three Live TV debates for the three main parties leaders: Gordon Brown : Labour David Cameron : Conservative Nick Clegg : Liberal Democrat The second live TV debate is hosted by SKY with Adam Boulton as the moderator and will be shown on SKY News at […]
ITV1 Live Leaders Debate Political Cartoon
I’ve been starting to get into politics, since the general election is looming and the influence that the ITV Live Leaders Debate has had on the three major parties I thought I’d make a political cartoon just for the fun of it. If you want more Political info about the debates and the election from […]
General Election Candidates 2010
We are just over two weeks away from the general election on May 6th and I have to admit I know very little about my local constituency 2010 candidates. All I know is the name on my current Conservative MP Mark Simmonds for the Boston and Skegness Constituency and he voted against the National Minimum […]
Liberal Democrats to Win The General Election!
First off stop laughing, I’m being serious and though I like the Liberal Democrats I’ve only ever voted Lib Dems tactically once when I lived in an area where Labour couldn’t win, so I have no vested interest in making this sort of stuff up. I’ve been running a “Who Will You Vote For In […]
St. George’s Day Poll
Saint George (ca. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier and priest in the Guard of Diocletian, who is venerated as a Christian martyr. In hagiography Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and the […]
General Election ITV1 Live TV Leaders Debate in Manchester
Tonight we see the first of three Live TV debates for the three main parties leaders: Gordon Brown : Labour David Cameron : Conservative Nick Clegg : Liberal Democrat The first live TV debate is hosted by ITV with Alastair Stewart as the moderator and will be shown on ITV1 at 8:30pm tonight. The location […]
Voter Registration Form : No Wonder Voter Turnout is Low
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I forgot to send our Voter Registration Form in until today (14th April 2010)! Eldest son is at University so if he wants to vote he’ll have to register himself, so had I not got it in it would be myself and the wife that can’t vote on […]
Labour Policies : The Liberal Democrat Risk Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party will try to achieve the following if they retain power at the 2010 general election on May 6th: The next election is a straight choice between Labour and the Conservatives. If people with progressive values don’t want to go back to the same old Tories, then […]
Labour Policies : The Conservative Risk Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party will try to achieve the following if they retain power at the 2010 general election on May 6th: The Tories offer Britain the wrong kind of change – change that would put the recovery and people’s prosperity at risk. This is a change that Britain cannot […]
Labour Policies : Britain in the World Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party will try to achieve the following if they retain power at the 2010 general election on May 6th: Labour’s international policy is driven both by Britain’s national interest and our long-standing belief in international social justice, liberty, fairness and responsibility. Labour knows that our country is […]
Labour Policies : Women Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party will try to achieve the following if they retain power at the 2010 general election on May 6th: Labour is the Party of equality for women. We will make a genuine difference to the fairness faced by women in their everyday lives. We will support women […]
Labour Policies : Equalities Policy
According to the Labour Party website the Labour Party will try to achieve the following if they retain power at the 2010 general election on May 6th: Labour believes that discrimination and inequality on the basis of race, gender, sexuality age, disability, religion or belief or social class has no place in the 21st century. […]