Chris Huhne is the new Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change in David Cameron’s Conservative and Liberal Democrats coalition government. Chris Huhne has been the Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Eastleigh since 2005 and replaces Ed Miliband as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. Chris Huhne has a first class […]
Election 2010 Chris Huhne Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Coalition Government Cancel London’s Heathrow Airport Third Runway
From the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government Agreement under the Environment Section: -The cancellation of the third runway at Heathrow. -The refusal of additional runways at Gatwick and Stansted. -The replacement of the Air Passenger Duty with a per flight duty. With the cancellation of the controversial third runway and London’s Heathrow airport and […]
David Cameron and Nick Clegg Win the Election Political Cartoon
As Promised I’ve sent the Nick Clegg and David Cameron a Caricature each it is waiting eagerly in their inbox’s. (Read the My Pledge to the People Post) I hope they like it. I don’t have to be childish just because I despise David Cameron and all he stands for, I will still make him […]
Election 2010 David Laws Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Liberal Democrat David Laws is the new Chief Secretary to the Treasury. David Laws, age 44, is the Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Yeovil and was first elected in 2001. David Laws graduated from Cambridge with a double first class degree in economics and went into investment banking, becoming a Vice President of JP […]
Election 2010 Ken Clarke Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor
Conservative MP for Rushcliffe, Ken Clarke is the new Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor. Taking the role of Labour’s Secretary of State for Justice Jack Straw. Ken Clarke served in government ministerial positions through out the entire 18 years of Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher and John Major so brings a lot […]
Election 2010 Vince Cable Business Secretary
Vince Cable is the new Business Secretary, one of five Liberal Democrats in David Cameron’s new coalition government. Vince Cable studied Economics at Cambridge University and gained a PhD in Economics from the University of Glasgow. He became an economic advisor to the Kenyan government in 1966 and advisor to the British government and then […]
Election 2010 George Osborne Chancellor of the Exchequer
George Osborne at 38, is the youngest Chancellor of the Exchequer for 125 years. Not bad for a graduate who wanted to be a journalist, but having failed to secure a job with a national newspaper found a job at Conservative Central Office and the rest is history. George Gideon Oliver Osborne has been the […]
Election 2010 Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister
We have a new deputy PM in the form of Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg. What does a Deputy Prime Minister do? The Deputy Prime Minister office is a relatively new post with the first Deputy Prime Minister being Labour’s Clement Attlee under Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s coalition war time government 1940-1945. When you think […]
Conservatives Win the 2010 General Election
Oh My God, they actually won, David Cameron and his vaguely horse-looking wife (just kidding :D), have stole Gordon Brown’s house stepped into 10 Downing Street. As for Nick Clegg he has been the most stupid politician in UK history, a Lib Con Govt is like chalk and cheese (it will never work) I just […]
Election 2010 Gordon Brown Resigns as Prime Minister
Gordon Brown has just resigned as Prime Minister at the steps of 10 Downing Street. This means there’s a deal between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats and David Cameron will be our new Prime Minister. Gordon Brown’s Resignation Speech “As you know the general election left no party able to command a majority in […]
Election 2010 Prime Minister David Cameron
It would appear by the time we all head off to bed tonight the Conservatives under David Cameron will have or will be very close to a deal with Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats to secure David Cameron as the new Prime Minister of Great Britain. As a Labour voter (though not a strong Labour supporter) […]
Election 2010 Gordon Brown to Resign as Labour Leader
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has today announced he will step down as Labour leader just as soon as the Labour party can arrange a new leader: he mentioned he hopes the new leader would be in place before the Labour Party Conference which is 4 months from now. What this means is if the Conservative […]
Election 2010 Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government
With meetings between Senior Conservative and Liberal Democrat frontbenchers at the Cabinet Office apparently going amicably are we looking at an unlikely Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government allowing David Cameron to oust Gordon Brown as Prime Minister? Hard to believe with all the niceties we are seeing in the news between the Tories and […]
My Pledge to the People This General Election
Whom ever ‘wins’ this general election I will send them a caricature of themselves via email. If it’s a coalition/hung parliament then the two party leaders will receive a picture via email of themselves winning :D. May the best leader win. 8) :D 8)
Election 2010 Campaign Political Highlights
Election 2010 Political Highlights This election is not only the first I’ve studied/followed in depth but an interesting one. It all started at the polling booth with people being turned away, and having the first Green MP elected in the UK, we had some pathetic party election broadcasts like the tediously long Plaid Cymru advert […]
Election 2010 Conservative Minority Government Good for Labour?
I’m going to throw out an idea mainly for Labour supporters to discuss, though I know it won’t only be Labour commenter’s :-) Considering Labour’s been in power 13 years, we’ve had two disastrous and very expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, ~10 years of economic success followed by 3 years of economic strife (not […]