Once you start you just can’t stop (Blaming Labour) I noticed a trend with Chancellor George Osborne’s Speech, he seemed to say the phrase “a debt left behind by the previous government” basically Gordon Brown’s supposed debt. Talk about kicking a man when he’s down, labour has lost but the Tories just insist on jabbing […]
Chancellor George Osborne Emergency Budget 2010 – Blames Labour
George Osborne’s Emergency Budget Speech 2010
Old Budget Box – New Chancellor George Osborne poses before the media camera with the old budget box before it takes it’s last trip to the archives of the cabinet war-rooms. George Osborne or Chancellor has stood outside of no.10 before making his speech to the public about the cuts. He will outline what services […]
NHS Targets a ‘Casualty’ of the Coalition Government
The Inner Thatcher Rears it’s Ugly Head – Dawn of the Two Year Waiting Lists. The latest stain on the Coalition Government’s spotless record has emerged as it’s been announced they are abolishing the targets to see a GP (General Practitioner) within 48 hours, and the target to see a Doctor within 4-hours of being […]
Oxford University Philosophy, Politics and Economics Degree
I started this politics site roughly one year ago because 1st I make money online making websites like this one and 2nd I was concerned the Conservatives would win the 2010 general election and the country would be subject to 5 or more years of Tory/Thatcherite rule and though I never expected my website to […]
Diane Abbott Labour Party Leadership Nomination
Diane Abbott a Labour candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington has got her name etched on the ballot papers for the Labour Party Leadership 2010, a surge in support was closely after the acting Labour leader/former deputy Harriet Harman announced her support for Diane Abbott the only female MP candidate for the Labour leadership. […]
Tories Are Scrapping Extension of Free School Meals
A Policy we didn’t see in action by labour was the extension of free school meals, this plan now shelved by the Tories it was going to pilot in September and was going to improve the lives of 500,000 school children and their families. Anyway the Conservatives don’t care about poor people they back the […]
Prime Minister David Cameron Vows to Tackle the Deficit Political Cartoon
Prime Minister David Cameron claims he will ‘tackle’ deficit, this led me to think well… that’s a little a little like American Football so ta-dah enjoy! Artist/Author: Caleb Law age: 13
David Cameron Stresses Difficult Decision on Spending Cuts
David William Donald Cameron (I’ll stick With Prime Minister) has stressed the difficult decision of the spending cuts on the 22nd June, the PM and leader of the Conservative party spoke at a book store/library place to talk about something other than… erm books, he told us all about the difficulty he’s under to sweep […]
General Election 2010 Poll Results
The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Labour Party Leadership Election 2010
With the resignation of Gordon Brown as both Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader just days after the 2010 election we’ll be seeing the Labour Party Leadership election campaign over the coming months most likely ending during the Labour Party Conference in September 2010. If the Labour Party wanted a faster leadership contest it would […]
Election 2010 David Cameron and Nick Clegg Prime Ministers Press Conference
The sun was shining and the song birds where singing in the rose garden of number 10 Downing Street when the newly weds David Cameron and Nick Clegg made their first Prime Ministerial press conference. David Cameron took the lead on the majority of questions with both Nick Clegg and Cameron falling over themselves in […]
Election 2010 Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government Agreement
Also see the Full Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government Agreement published 20th May 2010. Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition negotiations Agreements reached 11 May 2010 This document sets out agreements reached between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats on a range of issues. These are the issues that needed to be resolved between us in order […]
Election 2010 William Hague First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
William Hague is the new First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in David Cameron’s Conservative and Liberal Democrats coalition government. William Hague has been the Member of Parliament for Richmond, Yorkshire since 1989 and replaces Lord Mandelson as First Secretary of State and David Miliband as Secretary of […]
Election 2010 Michael Gove Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families
Michael Gove is the new Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families in the new Conservative and Liberal Democrats coalition government. Michael Gove has been the Member of Parliament for Surrey Heath since 2005 and replaces Ed Balls as Schools Secretary. Michael Gove reportedly claimed £7,000 for furnishing a London property before ‘flipping’ his […]
Election 2010 Liam Fox Secretary of State for Defence
Liam Fox is the new Secretary of State for Defence in David Cameron’s Conservative and Liberal Democrats coalition government. Liam Fox has been the Conservative Member of Parliament for Woodspring since 1992 and replaces Bob Ainsworth as Secretary of State for Defence. Liam Fox was a GP in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, Somerset before his election to […]
Election 2010 Theresa May Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equality
Theresa May is the new Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equality in David Cameron’s new Conservative and Liberal Democrats coalition government. Theresa May has been the Member of Parliament for Maidenhead since 1997 and replaces Labour’s Alan Johnson as Home Secretary. Theresa May studied at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, obtaining a BA in […]