Comment on Election 2010 Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister by Tank.

• Cameron and Glegg together are a recipe for disaster for the UK. A reciepe cooked up in the kitchen of desperation. Desperation from Cameron as he is hungry for this seat of power that he craves and he has tempted Glegg with the promise of sugar when in reality what he is offering is salt. Salt that will be rubbed into the working class people in the UK. A class of people that Cameron will never be able to associate with why? Because he was born with a silver spoon in his loud insincere mouth and he will not sacrifice his silver spoon that for the working class people of the UK why? Because he supports the class system and even enjoys it. Glegg will rue the day he sided with CAMERON

• Glegg on the other hand has gone against the liberal manifesto. Why? Because he is naive to think that a party led by a megalomaniac which is what Cameron is would even allow his pitiful wimpish requests to even get past the door of number 10 let alone be taken as serious.
Gordon has gone we will rue that day. Cameron will destroy this country and Glegg will go down in political history as the man who destroyed the liberal party for an eternity just so that he could say yes sir no sir even the most liberal minded person would not choose this from the menu.

Finally well done Gordon you did a great job for the UK, you were sad to leave as a lot of people were to see you leave. The working class people in the UK loved you and still do and we will miss the fact that you are not there tom fight our cause. You are nice man and have a very nice family take care and come back in 5 years time refreshed and ready for the likes of Cameron and Glegg.

More Comments on Election 2010 Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister by Tank

Election 2010 Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister

Cameron ansd Glegg is a recipe for disaster coked uip i the kithcn of desperation. Desperation from Cameron as he is si hingry for this seat odf power that he …

More Comments by Tank

Election 2010 Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister

Cameron ansd Glegg is a recipe for disaster coked uip i the kithcn of desperation. Desperation from Cameron as he is si hingry for this seat odf power that he …