Comment on Liberal Democrats to Win The General Election! by Paul Hughes.

Like J Francis I agree with Phil Reeves post also, I believe many of us have reached a point of ‘No return’ when it comes to who we want running our country.

I have been loyal to Labour since I was able to start voting, my first vote was the Blair landslide in 1997. Since then I have become somewhat disillusioned with the party, but in the whole I would rather have them in than the Conservatives. Labour took a grip of this country, whereas the tories ran it to the ground and will do it again…. Death by a thousand cuts with a Tory government, believe me.

This time round I’m going to vote Lib Dem. I have recently read their manifesto and agree with much of their plans, they have some good ideas. Also they have a leader whom I believe speaks alot of sense and is actually in touch with the world.