UK Liberal Democrats Party Manifesto for the 2024 General Election PDF download.
UK General Election Date: Thursday, 5 May 2005
UK Liberal Democrats Party Leader: Charles Kennedy
Liberal Democrats Party Manifesto 2005 PDF (PDF file opens in new tab)
Manifesto tagline: The Real Alternative
Manifesto Introduction by Charles Kennedy
I believe that the 2001 – 2005 parliament will be remembered as the period during which the Liberal Democrats came of age, ushering in a new era of truly three-party politics. That is why we enter this General Election campaign with such optimism, unity of purpose and public goodwill.
We have been tested – inside and outside parliament – as never before. We have stuck to our principles: from our opposition to the war in Iraq to our defence of fundamental civil liberties over control orders. Again and again, we have been the real opposition to Tony Blair’s increasingly discredited Government – over Council Tax, top-up and tuition fees, and ID cards.
The challenge – and the opportunity – is now to provide the real alternative at this election.
That is what this manifesto is all about – detailing our analysis and policy ambitions; and all of it is underpinned by costed and credible pledges. We are determined that what we promise can be achieved. Our figures, based on official costings, all add up. And at the heart of our programme is a determination to achieve a fairer and more straightforward tax system which delivers the social priorities we believe that people want.
The mark of a decent society is one which creates opportunity for young people and provides security and dignity for those in their older years. At both ends of the age spectrum, we believe that Britain must do better. That’s why we set our commitment to abolishing student top-up and tuition fees alongside our determination to guarantee free long-term personal care for the elderly. And we can point with pride to the example of Scotland, where Liberal Democrat ministers in government have already delivered both these policies. In addition, we would scrap the Council Tax and replace it with a fair system based on people’s ability to pay.
Society is still scarred by inequality. Tackling that is a priority for the Liberal Democrats. For example, it’s time that we redressed the scandalous discrimination against women in the state pension system. We propose a ‘citizen’s pension’, based on residency instead of national insurance contributions, which would – at last – provide women who have spent time caring for children and elderly parents a pension in their own right.
In addition, we remain proud of a Britain which is enriched precisely because it is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic society. We will not pander to fear and prejudice. We offer fair and effective policies over the distinct issues of asylum and immigration.
Through all our thinking, there is a green thread of environmental awareness and urgency. We are by far the greenest of the three main UK political parties and this manifesto again confirms that fact.
It is a privilege at this election to be leading the most socially progressive party in British politics. Our priorities here at home are clear; our instinctive internationalism – through positive and proactive engagement with Europe, the United Nations and the Commonwealth – is definitive.
I am ambitious for the Liberal Democrats and the Liberal Democrats are the real alternative at this election. Please read, reflect – and if you like what we stand for, your support can make the difference.
Charles Kennedy
Leader of the Liberal Democrats Party
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