Comment on Labour Policies : The Liberal Democrat Risk Policy by Stewart Kirk.

A vote for the LibDems in a LibDem / Tory marginal is not necessarily a vote for Labour but is an anti-Tory vote; similarly a vote for the LibDems in a LibDem / Labour marginal is an anti-Labour vote. This is the great LibDem conundrum. They can only define themsleves in opposition to the other parties not as a party in and for themselves. Their election manifesto is an attempt to rectify this and what a dog’s breakfast that has turned out to be. It seems to be a mish-mash of left-leaning, then right-leaning policies that do not articulate to an cohenrent whole. They are, however, to be feared. If you are on benefits, or if you have pre-school children, or if you have a chronic medical condition, read the LibDem manifesto. It is more frightening than the Tories. No ruling out of cuts to working Tax Credits or, importantly, other benefits, means testing child benefit, no commitment to maintain existing NHS spending levels, and, most of all,no commitment to maintaining Sure Start or subsidised nursery places.
Caring Liberalism? Mmmm. Vote Labour for all our children’s sake.

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