Comment on Labour Policies : The Conservative Risk Policy by Charles Furness-Smith.

Why Labour do not deserve your vote.

Let us start by making the comparison between Sir Fred Goodwin and Gordon Brown. Both men were responsible for bringing their respective organisations to the brink of economic collapse by imprudent over investment.

Would we really vote for keeping Goodwin on as Chief Executive of RBS on the basis that he had the experience? Considering the uproar over his enormous payoff for failure, I think not. However, in Brown’s case he has been promoted with barely a whimper from the very same people who complained about banker’s bonuses on the basis of his experience.

Firing an entrenched incumbent requires guts. If Labour is not capable of doing this, do you really think they will have the courage to make the much harder decisions required to get us out of the current economic mess.

Unfortunately, unlike most other professions, politicians do not appear to improve with experience, in fact quite the opposite.

So vote for anyone other than Labour on 6 May.

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