Comment on Labour Policies : Labour Health Policy by Barbara Rutzler.

This seems to be written for the last election and there is no indication of how the necessary funding of the increasing elderly populations health needs and new treatments are to be made.

No party has said that it will first make an extensive review including potential costing of the demands on the NHS before implementing any changes.

These need to be discussed by the electorate rather than as at present just seen as party political footballs to be kicked between the major political parties. The language used has the ability to turn off most people as it is just words dreamt up by some whizz kid who has no idea how life in the real world works.

Most of the Labour policies espoused by Ed Milliband just do not seem to connect to real lives and there are few others in the Labour Party who have this ability.

Ed Balls speaks economic sense but is hampered by his reputation as a bully and his close affiliations with New Labour, which was Conservative light by any other name. This lack of any denial of Conservative lies and absence of any positive policies apart from pathetic attempts to tamper with taxation I.e. the mansion tax is why I will not be voting for Labour at the next election.