According to the UK Labour Party website the Labour Party will try to achieve the following if they retain power at the 2010 general election:
Gordon Brown has launched a new ten-year drug strategy which aims to provide a “comprehensive approach” to tackling drug problems.
At a Downing Street event the Prime Minister was joined by Jacqui Smith MP, Labour’s Home Secretary, along with drugs treatment workers to discuss the new strategy.
The strategy – ‘Drugs: protecting families and communities’ – includes plans to:
• Give police new powers to seize the assets of drug dealers to demonstrate that crime doesn’t pay
• Place a greater responsibility on drug users on benefits to get treatment and back in to work
• Increase the use of community sentences with a rehabilitation requirement
• Strengthen and extend international agreements to combat the flow of drugs to the UK
• Get drug-using families into treatment more quickly
• Develop support for drug treatment so that those who quit drugs are offered training and support in getting work and re-establishing their lives
Gordon Brown said that investment of almost £1 billion a year will be used to implement the key aims of the strategy: cutting drug-related crime; reducing the risk of drug use by young people; and enabling more drug users to rehabilitate and contribute to society.
I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on UK Labour Party’s Drugs Protecting Families and Communities policies in the comments below?
Protecting Families!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean humiliate them with your sponsored marxist bbc there.
You mean the family unit is to blame and government knows best.How the hell do you know what’s right for joe bloggs family.The bbc keep reminding us of how terrible family units are by blaming the father or mother….Never blaming yourselves for neglecting the people for decades with previous past and present govenment agenda’s.
Always the symptoms reported Never the real ’causes’.
Labour are a joke, If the police “SERVICE” stopped turning a blind eye to the ethnic gangs who control much of the drug related crimes and really cracked down it would be astart.
Under nulabour policing has become a politicised joke, allowing the RACE card to be waved at every possible opportunity!
It says something when even official Policê records show that 75% of black men between the ages of 18 & 35 are on the DNA register. Of course no media will report that as it is not POLITICALLY CORRECT to tell the truth!! I wonder how long it will be before this is hidden by the marxists who are deluding our country!
I was reading about the BNP’s claim that 75% of black men are on the DNA database.
I’m afraid it’s another lie from the BNP.
Do some research and you can find the facts for yourself.
“I was reading about the BNP’s claim that 75% of black men are on the DNA database.
I’m afraid it’s another lie from the BNP.
Do some research and you can find the facts for yourself.
Ive done 2 minutes of research and found this.
75% of black British men put on DNA database
“I’m afraid it’s another lie from the BNP.”
You might want to do MORE research before you post such comments.
why the thumbs down ere, dont people like the TRUTH.
looks like you got to admit to being wrong there David me old china.
An example of your anti-BNP predilection… Don’t ya think?
Erm, no.
Do you notice anything different about this post of mine and the one above that you believe is mine?
Look around the edge, there’s these dashes that indicate the comment was made by the Admin (moderator) of the site (that would be me). If it lacks the dashes it’s not me. This is my first comment on this page.
Should have known it’s not mine, the comment was too short for me, I tend to go on and on and on…. :-)
I’ve not looked at that story so no idea if it’s accurate or not. 75% sounds VERY high, I assume the BNP’s implications are the majority of black people between the ages of 18 and 35 are a bunch of scallywags?
If it is 75% that’s a serious concern, though to know what it all means you need access to the data. For example 75% of 1,000 people is not the same as 75% of 1,000,000 people. How many 18-35 year old black men are there in the UK?
Doesn’t the DNA database hold DNA fingerprints from people arrested for a crime, not ONLY people convicted of a crime which throws open the question how many of the black men in question are convicted of a crime and how does that compare to other groups of people?
It’s important to think about questions like these when you read a story that furthers a political parties agenda.
I was listening to a female Conservative MP (Dorris maybe) on the Parliament Channel yesterday and it was about drug use. She used a statistic that the increase in methadone doses which was up from 1 million to 1.8 million means the government wasn’t tackling drug abuse. Well that could also be argued an increase in methadone treatment is an indication the government are doing more to tackle drug abuse.
Same debate and a Labour MP went through what a Conservative MP had said in the papers multiple times regarding households claiming £15,000 or more a year in benefits etc… the numbers had doubled (I think). The Conservative MP’s implication was since Labour came into power more people are scrounging of the welfare system. When the statistics are looked at more closely a significant number of the increase was pensioner households and so another way to interpret the data was since Labour came to power more old people are getting financial help (or there’s a lot more old people).
I suppose my point is politics is filled with liars who manipulate the data for political gain :-(
David (the real one :-))
We are allowed to drink and smoke ourselves to death and pay a lot of tax for the privillage, why not legalise all drugs, sell and tax them, and if anyone dies it was their choice, before anyone goes crazy alcohol is the worst drug on the market, it causes more problems than all the other drugs put together and is the hardest habit to get clean from.
The Labour Party has quite a good record since 1997. It has been better than most other governments in the world including e.g. that of the Germans. Here in the UK they have made it much easiere to get into maintenance prograns. Access to clean needles is good.
What is a great pity is that David Nutt was sacked the head of the AMCD. The principle involved was that up till then whichever govt. was in power had always accepted the advice of the experts.
With the sacking of D. Nutt the Labour Party made it clear that they were going to use substance use and abuse for their own short-term purposes. Very sad.
Under Brown they have become too statist, too cautious, too beholden to the police.
Let the experts and specialists in the field decide. What do some politicians on cosy incomes know of the subject?
Get rid of these headline driven policies, and move towards legalisation. The Lib Dems are much better than the LP on this unfortunately. And I used to be a diehard supporter, was election agent once (in local elections).