Comment on Labour Policies : Labour Asylum and Immigration Policy by Jimbob.

Could any of the BNP mouth breathers here actually inform me how many countries have Sharia law in place ( an answer I know) and also what exactly Sharia law consists of again something I know, I’d really love to hear an educated and informed answer from a BNP voter. Also with reference to the comments regarding the populations of Australia and America being wiped out it’s true they were wiped out by a group of religious terrorists who ruled the world and wanted to put their laws in place regardless of cultures, these people also invaded britain, they’re called Christians and destroyed our culture and replaced it with theirs, now these christians think they can judge anyone else? Complete madness, if the BNP truly represented britain it’s members would be of Indo-European stock, pagan and able to explain their history back to the last ice age, alas the BNP mostly consists of anglo-gemanic immigrants from the 8th century AD who pay lip service to a religion equally as vile as any organised religion though systematic child abuse really does take the biscuit and has been just as terrorising as Islam, crusades, inquisition the massacre and forcable conversion of whole countries, are you all so scared of other religions because your own atrocities haunt you? And lets be honest, Islam never fed six million people into ovens and practiced eugenics, that sadly falls in to the crimes of the white man along with the slave trade and generally bastardly behaviour. Good on the BNP for highlighting how much scum still exsists in britain, now if all it’s members could just raise their hands we’ll deport you to a country that supports your beliefs and origins, Israel, Scandinavia, Germany, any country you invaded us from. Now kindly sit down and shut up and take pride in britain, big brother, eastenders, football hooliganism and pointless celebrities, school kids who’s parent’s cant parent so we have an uneducated and unwilling population that blames everyone but it self. do us all a favour take a jump off those white cliffs you love so much and make us some “rivers of blood” we can be proud of.

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