Comment on Labour MP Gordon Brown Discussion by Jimbob.

Time to vote BNP? Why on earth is being ignorant and wanting to beat up anyone “not one of us” (that’s the people with typical inbreeding traits, Nick Griffin is a good example, his parents must be cousins)in anyway going to solve the economy (that’s money and jobs for you BNP voters, I know economy is a big word)

Your entire economic belief is ignorance and racism will solve our issues? Genius, where did you learn that Combat 18’s multicultural lectures? Can you go back to throwing chairs at people at Millwall and leave the world for people with brains?

Oh and for the Tory voters out there hating the BNP (though justified) is still just another band wagon for Cameron to jump on.

Go on Wikipedia and have a look at Thatchers Policies and explain how they are not obvious causes of the problems of today’s society (even though she didn’t believe in society).

You retards might think voting Cameron (the one-man band-wagon!) is the answer cos he looks shiny and like he knows what he’s on about, but it was his damn party that sold off all our industry in the 80’s, and guess what? He was advisor to Norman LaMont at the time, so if you want someone to blame try looking there and not pointing fingers at Brown. If may have escaped your *short* attention that Brown inherited the economy which we have, it was more a case of “bad timing” for him to get into power when he did. You honestly think if Tories where in at the time the banks collapsed we’d be better off??? No we f&&king wouldn’t cos the bankers are all chummy with the Tories and are pretty much the same people, you morons!!! You think given the chance Cameron or Thacher or anyone from the Tory party wouldn’t do a Fred Goodwin on us?? Most of the Toffs don’t even contribute to our system cos they don’t use British banks.

And as for BNP, “letz get rid of the forinerz cuz dey all be steelin r jobz like, and we dont like immigruntz cumin ova here and puttin’ uz out of work…blah blah blah….” ….Nonsense!!

Statistically they would create more jobs by getting rid of the immigrants, yes this is a true statement. But had it never occurred to you that a large number of doctors and other professionals with skills are from ethnic backgrounds and most of our population lacks the common sense to fill in the form to apply for these jobs let alone do them. Seriously, would you let Nick Griffin near your organs as a surgeon?? Would you let a shop assistant/call centre worker from Burnley give you a filling?

Wake up you bloody retards!!!

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