Far right political groups in the UK (throughout Europe) are concerned at what they see as the spread of the Islam/Muslim faith, the so called Islamification of Britain/Europe/America et al. The concern is the Islam/Muslim faith will replace the current main faiths (Christian, Catholic etc…) and way of life and even laws in those countries. […]
Continue Reading Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll
I was under the impression the BNP had a problem with positive discrimination?
If that is the case what are their policies regarding current positive discrimination laws put in place to reduce discrimination against women (and other groups in society)?
Just so it’s clear I don’t agree with positive discrimination, I would be interested to hear what the BNP would do to reduce discrimination against women without resorting to positive discrimination?
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Discrimination is in human nature. It is survival of the fittest at the expense of the weakest.
It’s negative discrimination ‘between’ species.
Discrimination is in the natural world. It causes the survival of the fittest at the expense of the weakest. It’s positive discrimination ‘of’ species.
Maybe this is why we all have a problems about
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Birds of a feather flock together.
There are always “us” and them, even in politics.
Descrimination of all kinds is rife in the world and in Britain, even the discriminators are discriminated against. But only certain kinds of discrimination are prohibited – those kinds chosen by people who have the power to discriminate against the rest of us.
I despise thought control, and that is what the anti-discrimination laws are, I’m sorry to say.
People discriminate against me, because I am disabled, on a daily basis. They don’t mean any harm, and I don’t complain because it is a fact of life.
We are British – those others are not, they are French or German or Pakistani.
What is so very wrong with racism anyway?
Why does nobody ever say WHY it is so evil?
I loved my Golly, before the nasty Gov’ment took him away and burned him.
Note BNP, I want my Country back.
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you claim to be disabled etc, so lets ask another question that your nazi friends have probably asked, whats so wrong with eugenics(the forceable breeding out of genetic “impurities”) under your own beliefs you’re a walking abortion.
So lets take a sensible look, whats so wrong with racism? we’re all humans idiots, all the human RACE so we’re hurting and discriminating against ourselves, our own species for such petty things as skin pigment levels. Personally I’ve never really thought pigment to be such a major issue day to day and I really can’t see a situation where pigment’s guide my life. Then again I’m educated through choice, I’ve worked and contributed to britain and I see how it’s been ruined, by the british, the lazy job shy people who wont do anything they consider beneath them but rally behind a few thugs who want to blame others for their own laziness. The BNP and it’s intellectually sub normal voters have ruined this country, biggest mouth doesn’t make the most sense, by the way guys what is old Nick doing for britain in Brussels or is he just slurping from the big gravy train of the establishment he hates so much? he’s a hypocrite just like the lot of you. Now please stop thinking you have any political opinion put your black shirts and jack boots on, whore yourselves at Mosley’s grave and just have the decency to die.
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Your’e a gobshite, its not about racism, again it’s not about racism, has that got through to your oh so wonderfull educated brain. Its about what is best for Britain and the people who want to see a peacefull, happy society where it is safe to walk the streets and express an opinion without some misguided gobshite branding them as racist.
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You do not have to be a BNP voter to realise that the islamisation of the UK will create problems for our country in the future. If the English were workshy (which, in general, they are not – this is a myth always brought out by those defending the indefensible) we would not be a country which everyone wants to flood into. We had a structure, a system, working people who build this country with their sweat of their brows and the toil of their hands. Your comment JimBob or whatever you call yourself is disgraceful. The change taking place in our country needs to be discussed BY ALL PARTIES and not buried.
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You didn’t actually answer the questions Richard, so here they are again:
I was under the impression the BNP had a problem with positive discrimination?
If that is the case what are their policies regarding current positive discrimination laws put in place to reduce discrimination against women (and other groups in society)?
Just so it’s clear I don’t agree with positive discrimination, I would be interested to hear what the BNP would do to reduce discrimination against women without resorting to positive discrimination?
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I apologise for avoiding the ask in your question by fudging an answer that is non committal.
Avoiding straight answers is what politicians do for self preservation…
…and I don’t want to be compared with that.
Back to your question.
The BNP have no problem about positive discrimination; but the truth is I don’t know, yet, if the BNP even wants to publish a discrimination policy, that would include their views regarding women and other groups.
Unlike you, it’s enough for me to understand how the BNP stand on equality for all by reading their immigration policies.
A general policy that is overtly discriminating against the Islamic religion and its culture for the good of Gt Britain; a policy that includes the exemption and exclusion of all foreigners that have no rights to interfere with our culture or freely receive British economic benefits.
Of course this is racism! but it is no more racist, than other people in other lands that actually practice such policies; Or worse the leaders that force on us the reverse, with their misguided multiculturism, which is in reality just another politically correct method in an ultimate
plan to cause maximum chaos for easy manipulation of the people.
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I appreciate the full answer on the BNP and positive discrimination.
I was under the impression the BNP had an issue with positive discrimination, especially when it’s against white people.
An example of the BNP finding positive discrimination against white people can be found at:http://nickgriffin.eu/2009/06/26/have-you-faced-discrimination-your-mep-nick-griffin-wants-to-know/comment-page-1/ (which is an official BNP site right?).
Full article: Have you faced discrimination? Your MEP, Nick Griffin, wants to know. | Nick Griffin MEP
I don’t know how accurate the information within the article is, if it’s true that’s why I disagree with positive discrimination, yes we need to not discriminate against homosexuals and ethnic minorities, but not at the expense of other groups.
Hire the best person for the job, period.
What I’ve read from the BNP reads as they have an issue with positive discrimination against white people (white men in particular, the silent majority in work), but have no problem promoting positive discrimination for white people.
Since you’ve said the BNP are racist and will discriminate against the “Islamic religion and its culture for the good of Gt Britain” I would like to know how far the discrimination would go if the BNP ever controlled government?
If the BNP will openly discriminate against one group (Muslims), what about other groups?
Homosexuals, disabled, women… it’s that slippery slope problem, where does it stop.
We should be aiming for NO discrimination against any group in society.
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David, the same thing happened in Oxfordshire about 18 months ago. A friend of mine who happens to be a retained ( part time) fireman in Henley said they were short of retained firemen and he & most of his friends were on permanent call rather than a roster allowing them free time. So he was delighted to learn that the Oxfordshire Brigade had organized a road show to help recruit more part timers. This travelled around several towns in Oxfordshire, calling at Henley where it was set up in the towns square one saturday. He had told a few friends who lived in or near Henley & had expressed interest to pop along & possibly join up!
To his dismay & disgust they ALL called him & explained that on attempting to join the Henley retained firemen, they were told that Oxfordshire were only recruiting ETHNICS & FEMALES!!! This in Henley where the only coloured face is to be seen in the local Indian & Chinese restaurants! Needless to say there were no recruits found in henley that day, despite having, to my friends knowledge, at least 6 fit young WHITE British men willing to join & help their local community!!!
I am afraid that this is the same story in both the Police & Fireservices around the country!
This is why more & more British people are fed up with being treated as second class citizens & are turning to the BNP!!
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Have you faced discrimination? Your MEP, Nick Griffin, wants to know. | Nick Griffin MEP
The Oldham firefighter’s ethnic minorities recruitment campaign article you have provided, is
a prime example of the evil effects of political correctness. It’s a masquerade of equal opportunities to please the PC brigade.
Actually it is blatant indiscriminate social engineering posing as positive discrimination.
The BNP (rightly) exposes this as another reason
to strive hard for white British worker rights.
Assuming theoretically the BNP were the government:
The wider implications are, of course, that the BNP
would do the social engineering “reverse masquerade”
to disadvantage the ethnics and favour the indigenous British.
Which is why I say the BNP have no problems with positive discrimination…
…and I stated before – it would be business as
usual no matter which political party gained government.
I passionately believe, that “democracy” as a form of government will not, cannot and never will be
any good at all. Kill democracy!
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Suggestions for an alternative ideology to make good
government by the people for the people should be encouraged.
Who Knows you might hit on an idea that would make you founding father or mother of the best peaceful government in the universe!..
…and I for one wouldn’t mind if a David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown, Nick Griffin or a Lord Sutch Raving Looney were the leader of your new government!
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If this is the sort of morals these people have then yes Islamic Culture is a Serious Threat to the British way of Life, they are already bringing their tribal wars to our streets.
Say NO to Turkey joining the EU.
“What is so very wrong with racism anyway?”
G.Curtis & Rosie.G I believe you are mixing racism with racialism.
Racism is discrimination based on no other reason than race and it’s wrong to discriminate without a damn good reason: I’d be quite happy to discriminate against paedophiles for example, but I see no good reason to discriminate against a person because of the colour of their skin (black, white, yellow…. it’s always wrong).
Racialism is believing their are differences between the races and in politics an emphasis towards one race: The BNP’s policies are aimed at protecting the “indigenous population”, the white people of Britain.
It can be argued there is no indigenous white population, (we are a mix) Britain is not like Australia with the Aborigines that are (or were) a very distinct race before white people took over. We’ve had black people living in Britain for over 2,000 years.
I digress…, so back to racialism.
An example of racialism might be a policy to bring into legislation a law requiring parents/guardians of white children to protect them from the harmful effects of the sun. White skinned people are at more of a risk of skin cancer from sun damage than black people (that’s a scientific fact BTW). This is not racism, it’s racialism protecting the needs of a particular race. Note: not a law I’d want, just an example.
I think you are talking about racialism and not racism per se. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
“Why does nobody ever say WHY it is so evil?”
Racism in it’s worst forms like the KKK hanging black people from trees is evil! Who would argue against that view?
When talking about “Stopping the Islamification of Britain” you are not talking about racism (or racialism), this is religious discrimination.
You don’t want the Muslim faith to become the dominant faith in Britain. You are afraid if we continue to allow Muslims to enter Britain they will slowly take over. Since being a Muslim isn’t restricted to race, it can’t be racism, but it is still discrimination, religious discrimination.
I suppose since the BNP don’t want the Muslim faith promoted in Britain that makes the BNP a religious discrimination party.
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Islamic Justice For Women
Vote BNP
Save Britain
Andrew, you do post a lot of pictures and videos showing the extreme side of Islam.
I am curious as to whether you think that if the UK were to become majority Muslim in its population that this is the way in which the whole of Britain would be governed?
Do you actually believed that all of our laws built over the last few hundred years would be repealed and replaced by some strict Saudi-type form of Sharia?
Sharia Law is already legally used in the UK through Tribunal Courts however the use of it is at the choice of the individuals concerned, Muslims are not forced to use it and they tend to dip in and out of it depending on how favourable the outcome is likely to be for them.
As much as I want the UK to remain a Christian country and retain our heritage, I don’t believe for one minute that if our demographic changed that we would become an extremist controlled regime like the posts you are putting out.
I don’t believe that the British people would ever accept it and I don’t believe that the majority of 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation Muslims born and bred in the UK would accept it either.
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I just wanted to say that’s a really well thought out comment Sarah and other than the Christian part** I agree 100%.
I look forward to seeing Andrew’s response. I considered some of what Andrew has posted previously as well formed arguments, disagreed with them, but at least it was readable unlike many BNP supporter comments! Today I’ve been going through past comments editing those that are copy and paste comments of other peoples articles (they make the pages too big, a link and excerpt of the article should be enough) and realised a LOT of Andrew’s comments are other people’s articles posted verbatim! I don’t hold a lot of respect for people who can’t debate in their own words, I guess we’ll see if Andrew can compile a worthy response to your excellent comment Sarah in his own words or if we get another copy and paste response that I’ll have to edit or delete (articles pasted in full without a link to the original will be deleted as it’s a pain for me to find the page to link to).
** I like a lot about Britain and realise some of what I like is rooted in Christianity, that being said I’m an atheist so religion per se isn’t important to me. If I could start the world from scratch I’d try to take the best from all cultures.
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Thank you David (don’t you ever sleep?? I’m 4 hours ahead of you!!) ;-)
I agree with you and think most people generally live within the moral code of a Christian way of life regardless of whether they are Christian or not. As you say, to some it really isn’t important to believe religiously as long as you live peacefully within the socially accepted norms.
I just get frustrated seeing all these videos posted (not that I watch all of them) purporting that the UK is going to suddenly going to turn to some kind of religious fervour where all our rights will disappear.
The UK has too much history and people have too many rights for that to happen, I just don’t understand how anyone could think that self-appointed Clerics and Imams would suddenly govern the country without the say of the people, this would be the only way Sharia could ever be fully implemented to that extent.
I know quite a few Muslims who like a pint and live with their girlfriends / boyfriends :-)
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I’m a bit of an insomniac and yesterday had an headache, slept a few hours in the day, result awake until 7am!! Was up at about 10am this morning, so I might be a bit grumpy today :-)
Everything you say above Sarah is spot on, because we have such an open and free culture (free compared to many other parts of the world) when immigrants settle here they like and embrace many aspects of British culture (what’s not to like? :-)).
Look at how arranged marriages are not encouraged in Britain, yes 1st generation immigrants from countries where arranged marriages are still common place still stick to their traditions, but their children and their children’s children who are no less British than I am reject this tradition.
A few die hard traditionalists will always try to force their ways on their 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation… family members, but it’s a minority that accept it and instead the majority embrace our more tolerant, easy going culture.
Basically it’s the immigrants culture that gets watered down, not ours. At the same time as a multicultural society we take some of the better parts of other cultures and add it to our own.
I admire for example how Pakistanis have come to Britain with barely a penny and by working hard setup corner shops and other small businesses, buy a home and as a family work together for the good of their family. I can only hope my children work so well together as adults helping one another’s children through University, buying their first homes etc…
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Hey, dont shoot the messenger :-)
Hey Andrew, glad you replied. Nobody’s shooting anyone here!
I understand where you’re coming from, I can completely understand why people are getting worried about the future of Britain.
At the moment, the Muslim population of Britain is only around the 3 million mark out of a population of around 67 million and it is going to take a long time for there to be a majority of Muslims. The biggest proportion of Muslims are the under 4’s.
I just don’t believe that if the UK became Islamic in the future that Sharia would apply in the strictest form such as Saudi / Iranian Sharia. There are plenty of Muslim countries that are not as oppressive as these two such as UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, etc..
“If the majority of Muslims are moderate 2nd, 3rd gen and feel British, why do we see no demonstrations against the terrorist atrocities carried out by Islamic terrorists?”
I don’t know what the answer is to this, however when atrocities occur such as the London bombings, Muslims are killed too, and the non-muslims tend to quietly point the finger at ALL muslims that it’s their fault and they should have known or been able to stop it; they do suffer from revenge attacks as well. If I was Muslim I would keep my head down for a while..!
On the other side, if people are so angry and fearful about the Islamic threat, why are there no demonstrations against to the Government against it’s imposition? I remember the effectiveness of the Poll Tax Riots!
Unfortunately, the laws of the UK are so skewed at the moment and dealing with Islam is a softly softly approach however I do think that this approach will change further down the line. The radicals are a minority but vocal.
The Sharia Tribunal Courts are legally binding under the Arbitration Act, what you must understand is that as a Muslim, you have the choice as to whether you use a Sharia Court or the British Court. No muslim has NO CHOICE in using these, they can opt to apply British Law instead.
As Christians in a Muslim country here in UAE, if my husband and I decided to separate and divorce, we would have the choice at the local courts to apply British or Sharia law.
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Hi Sarah,
I’m glad you found my reply with everything being moved around and “cleansed”
Thanks for your honest answers, it mystifies me also as to why Muslims do not make great efforts to separate themselves from extremists but they don’t.
The silence is deafening.
Anyway carrying on-
“On the other side, if people are so angry and fearful about the Islamic threat, why are there no demonstrations against to the Government against its imposition? I remember the effectiveness of the Poll Tax Riots!”
Very true I also remember the Poll Tax riots, first hand ;-)
The time to watch the streets will be after the General Election.
There are peaceful protest groups taking to the streets but they are being under & mis-reported by our gagged & biased media which I will come back to.
Some of the group’s are-
The EDL, English Defence League. =
SIOE, Stop Islamisation of Europe. =
Protest groups have their place but a political solution is the way to go, The BNP Are that solution= https://bnp.org.uk/
“The biggest proportion of Muslims are the under 4’s”
Some facts on Islamic birth-rates and Europe-
Only 3.2 per cent of Spain’s population was foreign-born in 1998. In 2007 it was 13.4 per cent. Europe’s Muslim population has more than doubled in the past 30 years and will have doubled again by 2015.
In Brussels, the top seven baby boys’ names recently were Mohamed, Adam, Rayan, Ayoub, Mehdi, Amine and Hamza.
The Office of National Statistics published a list of the most popular boys’ names in Britain: Jack, Oliver, Thomas, Harry, Joshua, Alfie, Charlie, Daniel.
There is just one small problem: the list is deceitful.
In reality, the third most popular choice for boy children born last year in England and Wales was not Thomas, but Mohammed.
The ONS explains blithely that it had no intent to deceive. Its normal practice is to catalogue different spellings separately, as in Mohammed, Muhammed and so on.
But if you add these variants together, as surely seems logical, then Mohammed’s are right up there, at the top of the list.
Unfortunately, in recent times we have been given plentiful cause for paranoia about attempts by official bodies to conceal from us information about the changing face of Britain which our rulers know that many people will not like.
Immigration figures are routinely distorted.
In a rare moment of honesty, a Labour Home Secretary conceded that he had no idea just how many migrants dwell in this country, because of the huge and unquantified pool of illegals.
Many reporters ect are in the NUJ and have “guidelines” on reporting on immigration, racism, asylum seekers,BNP ect… (Oh sorry they aren’t allowed to call them asylum seekers, my bad)
NUJ PDF https://www.nuj.org.uk/documents/
“The Sharia Tribunal Courts are legally binding under the Arbitration Act, what you must understand is that as a Muslim, you have the choice as to whether you use a Sharia Court or the British Court. No Muslim has NO CHOICE in using these, they can opt to apply British Law instead.
As Christians in a Muslim country here in UAE, if my husband and I decided to separate and divorce, we would have the choice at the local courts to apply British or Sharia law.”
I seriously doubt that you have ANY British law courts in the UAE, please correct me if I am wrong.
One of your statements was “No Muslim has NO CHOICE in using these, they can opt to apply British Law instead.”
Firstly, we do not want, need or welcome any other law in this country other than the legal system that has served us for hundreds of years.
Then we come to the matter of choice, you say the person can choose, do you really believe that in these enclave ghetto enriched areas where these sharia courts operate that a Muslim woman can apply for a divorce to an English court in favour of a sharia one and not have her community, family, imam all turn against her? If not be beaten or “Honour killed”? (One a month now).
Vote BNP
Save Britain
Source= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/columnists/article-1212368/Mohammed-popular-boys-England-So-shabby-effort-conceal-it.html#ixzz0bBaSPuQF
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“I’m glad you found my reply with everything being moved around and “cleansed””
Just wanted to make a quick comment on the above.
Your other comment to Sarah wasn’t put as a Reply to Sarah, so I moved it to be a reply to Sarah. That should have made it easier for Sarah to find and reply to you direct.
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Thank you David.
Hello Andrew,
I do agree with you that the Government have not been honest and pathetically tried to hide behind statistics in order to make things look better than they were in terms of the changing demographics.
Just to clarify my point on the use of British Law here in the Emirates, the local Sharia courts would apply British Law in the event of family disputes if we should choose to use it. It’s not the same as having a British court, just use of the law.
However, I will add, that if my husband was Muslim, I would be subjected to Sharia regardless; in the event of death, if we didn’t have our British wills translated into arabic and attested then Sharia would apply also in the settling of the estate.
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Hi Sarah,
Thank you for your questions.
I am curious as to whether you think that if the UK were to become majority Muslim in its population that this is the way in which the whole of Britain would be governed?
Absolutely yes, should the UK become Muslim in majority what would stop sharia being forced upon the then British minority?
With birth-rates, ages of population and immigration this is a reality within 15 – 20 years.
Sweden will be an Islamic state in only a few years
The politicians we have in the three old parties’ fanatically embrace immigration and multiculturalism to the detriment of the British people.
Only the BNP can redress this.
Do you actually believed that all of our laws built over the last few hundred years would be repealed and replaced by some strict Saudi-type form of Sharia?
Assuming a Muslim government in force then the answer is again yes.
Muslims are Muslims first and last, if in the majority Sharia would be violently forced on all.
We already have sharia law courts operating in the UK.
“Honour” killings are occurring with increased regularity.
The Saudis have 24 Wahabi schools in the UK and have been proved to spread hatred.
The Saudis fund mosques all over the UK.
The Civitas estimate of 85 Sharia law courts operating in Britain is based on information gathered from a number of sources. A network called the Islamic Sharia Council, run from a converted corner shop in Leyton, operates 13 tribunals in Britain.
The Association of Muslim Lawyers runs another three and there are three other formal councils. The rest are informal councils whose existence has been revealed from online “fatwa” or decree websites.
Some of these fatwa rulings clearly conflict with British law. For instance, one widely held ruling states that a Muslim woman may not marry a non-Muslim man unless he converts, and if she does, her children should be taken away from her.
I note you mention the many generations of Muslims who would not go along with sharia being imposed, I suppose you are saying they are the “moderate majority” of Muslims.
I have answered your questions on this subject.
I have questions for you.
If the majority of Muslims are moderate 2nd, 3rd gen and feel British, why do we see no demonstrations against the terrorist atrocities carried out by Islamic terrorists?
Why no denunciations by the imam’s?
Someone draws a cartoon and the streets are full.
People are stabbed to death in the street.
The religion of peace!
Vote BNP
Save Britain
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Sarah & David, it was 2nd & 3rd generation so called british Muslims that detonated the London bombs! If you look at the very large demonstrations carried out by these extremists in many of our major towns & cities, against British policies in the Middle east and against our homecoming troops, it is 2nd & 3rd generation immigrants!
They do not want to integrate, they continually push for more & more concessions to their religion, whilst denigrating ours! Why is it that almost all state schools in “enriched” areas only offer halal meat, have stopped christian assemblies, have in cases like Alsager, forced white British children to pray in the muslim manner. Where many councils no longer provide food & drink during ramadan, banned christmas decorations & celebrations for fear of offending these invaders! Why are there now many so called “sharia” courts set up when we have our own legal system? Why are OUR police scared to apply the law to them when they flout our laws, calling for death & beheading of OUR troops, in their protests?
Our establishment has virtually capitulated to this invasion & continues to pander to every demand, no matter how extreme! THIS is why people are fed up & fear it is just getting worse by the day! The British are treated like 2nd lass citizens in their own country!
So, have a walk around places like Oldham, Blackburn, Burnley, Slough, Swindon, Bristol, Leicester & parts of Cardiff, Glasgow, Birmingham, Manchester & London and see how enriched it has become before saying the BNP are exagerating! Look at what even the media sometimes portray, which is only the tip of the iceberg as they too dont dare reveal the whole truth, eg the Kriss Donald Murder in Glasgow!
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“Sarah & David, it was 2nd & 3rd generation so called british Muslims that detonated the London bombs!”
Those are the extremists who we need to lock up to keep Britain safe. They are NOT the majority.
I was watching a rerun of the Youth Parliament debates in Parliament on the Parliament channel last night and a young lad was talking about the BNP and extremist views.
They were having a discussion on lowering the voting age to 16 years of age and one of the arguments against it was young people could be more prone to be swayed by extremist views, in other words vote BNP.
He said something like this
We don’t legislate for the extremists, we legislate for the majority.
He can’t have been older than 14 :-)
Would have been nice to find a video of the debate, but I didn’t find one.
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K William,
All of the above are because our Government is weak and too busy focussing their attention on trying to appease.
I wonder if the next Government will start to listen to the majority and be more selective in who they allow into the country and start dealing firmly with the radicalization of certain members of the community.
I’ve said before that I think that Britain will become Islamic decades in the future through birth-rate and conversion (and continued immigration if not dealt with now) it’s just to what degree will the law of the land change.
David quite rightly pointed out that most future generations become watered-down culturally and enjoy the freedom that the British culture gives them, but not all admittedly. Particularly when we allow the importing of unregistered and unchecked Imam’s who preach the hatred and separation in faith schools and mosques. I just don’t believe that the UK would suddenly become like Saudi Arabia in its adoption of Sharia if that was to happen, I think there would be civil war first.
Even though I’m not voting BNP, I understand why a lot of people are and even hope that they do manage to gain a seat or two to give a kick up the backside to the Government to take the issue of radical Islamification seriously and take steps to make sure we stop importing the scourge and scum of the world.
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Sarah, unfortuneately NONE of the lib/lab/con parties have any policies for halting thr creeping islamification!!
You only have to look at what happens to their members who put their head over the parapet & question the suicidal policies, they are ousted amidst howls of “racist, nazi etc”! The same is happening in the establishment, look at the judge who was honest, he had to PUBLICALLY recant or face dismissal! Look at our local government, police & schools, all so pc & politicised they are increasingly pandering to islamic demands whilst surpressing traditional British customs!
David your comments on the youth parliament saying they represent the majority again is a farce, when has ANY recent government listened to the MAJORITY of British thinking, look back at the repeal of the death sentence, nearly 80% of Britain shown in polls at the time wanted to retain it, the refusal of first labour and now conservatives, to allow a referendum on the Lisbon treaty, knowing that in polls it showed the MAJORITY of Britain has extreme doubts as to the benefits of the EU. The Iraq war was shown in polls to be unpopular with the British public but no one listened. The criminal way labour has COVERTLY continued to ENCOURAGE immigration over the last decade or so whilst claiming to be controlling it, because again polls showed that the MAJORITY of Britains wanted it controlled!
I am afraid that only the BNP is addressing these concerns. If the conservatives, lib dem or ukip
had stood up & had the guts to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH then possibly they would get support, But no, only the BNP has the courage to say what MOST British people secretly feel “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”!!
That is why I support the BNP who will try to stop the current madness before it is too late!
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“David your comments on the youth parliament saying they represent the majority again is a farce”
You are talking about populist politics, giving the people what they want and not what is right for the country. I’ll pass on that thanks.
Of course political parties don’t always do what the majority of the general public want and sometimes don’t do what many would consider the right thing.
If we asked all 45 million eligible voters if they want
1 Much lower taxes
2 Improved NHS
3 Higher standards of education in schools
4 More police on the streets
5 Harsh sentencing for criminals
6 British jobs for British workers
I’m sure a majority would say yes please.
However how can the government achieve points 2, 3, 4 and 5 if they also try to achieve point 1 of much lower taxes?
Points 2 to 5 are going to cost us more in taxes, you want better services, well you have to pay for them. And don’t give me the old BNP argument we’d pay for them through savings of not paying for foreign aid etc… Nick Griffin couldn’t even run a business successfully (he was declared bankrupt and almost took his parents down financially!) so to trust him with the countries finances is not even funny!!! I read Nick Griffin’s highest paid job was teaching English to immigrants, now that’s hilarious :-)
Point 6 is protectionism, under our current system (part of the EU) we can not go down a protectionist route without incurring significant penalties from other members of the EU. It would damage trade. I wish we could have a much stronger policy to give jobs to British workers, but if it goes too far over all we loose more than we gain. I will agree we don’t do enough to encourage businesses to hire British workers, so improvements could be made.
Good governments have to make unpopular choices, that’s the nature of government.
I’m not a Conservative voter (I dislike them a LOT), but I have to give them credit on their decision no longer to offer a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
If the Conservatives hold government next year and had a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and the public voted NO, what would it achieve, it’s already passed, it’s too late to vote no?
Your anger should be aimed at the Labour government (who I plan to vote for next year) for not offering us a referendum in the first place BEFORE it was ratified by all the other EU countries, not the Conservatives.
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That’s an excellent point you have made there David (and not just because I am a Tory voter) but the Tories can not be held to blame for Lisbon they voted against it all the way through and frankly as you rightly said they cannot hold a referendum on it now as it won’t make any difference anyway as it is already ratified.
And Lisbon is one of the reasons I have moved away from Labour this time along with their obvious in ability to face the truth about the current financial crisis, we need a party that can face that head on and make the hard choices that need to be made to get things moving again and so far I haven’t seen anything from Labour that will make any real impact on correcting the problem.
And from the BNP there is NOTHING at all not even a single policy directed as repaying the deficit, they continually push out this if we didn’t pay out in Aid or Asylum etc everything will be great, but the basic facts are they won’t.
Our current deficit is just under £1 Trillion the saving the BNP could make by not giving foreign aid won’t touch the sides when taken alongside all the other promises they are making to the public.
The costs of the BNP policies FAR FAR outweigh the gains from not giving foreign aid etc.
The cost of leaving the EU along will run in to at least 2 Trillion and take a minimum of 2 years to achieve (that’s assuming the British public vote for it, which has to be done under constitutional law), so all the BNP will achieve is effectively running up the deficit even higher it’s just basic economics anyone that took economics in school would see it, and thankfully they do see it.
And your comments on protectionism are spot on, it ca only damage the country not just financially but also politically effecting our standing in world politics and trade etc.
The BNP just claim we can still do deals with other countries etc, but the fact is whilst yes we can they will cost more money in Import/Export taxes as we won’t have the protection of the EU trade policies, so we as a country will in many areas not be able to compete with other companies and countries on price which as well all know will lead to lower wages and job losses as companies have to continually cut costs to stay competitive.
And frankly the issue of immigration isn’t going to win the next election for anyone really, yes it is an important factor but it has to be taken in context with all the other issues the country is facing.
But the BNP’s unwillingness to even attempt to tackle the big issues like the Economy or the deficit only shows the voting public that it actually has no solid ideas to solve the problem.
Yes I know the Tory policies are harsh and hard but frankly they need to be right now if we have any chance to start fixing things and moving out of recession next year, we seriously can’t afford a double dip recession.
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David, in one post you are in raptures about some spotty 16 yr old saying he was only interested in the legislating for the MAJORITY not extremists. Then you change tack when I pointed out that the politicians of BOTH labour & conservative had ignored the wishes of the MAJORITY of Britains over the last 40 odd years, and you defend it by saying that would be POPULIST and not in the interest of the country!! Not a well reasoned argument even by uaf standards!! By the way it is these same lying, self seeking, criminal politicians, who are so out of touch with the British people that only about a third of the electorate bother to vote because they feel they will not be listened to! It is these same idiots who have got our country into its current parlous state! So much for the good of the country!!! That is why the BNP are raising interest in people, they are the ONLY party who openly stand for what the MAJORITY of Britains feel, even though many are scared to openly say it for fear of repercussions in the workplace or socially by the brainwashed marxists who infest much of our establishment, local government, media & educational system!
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Hmmmm, actually David, K Williams has a good point there.
Legislating for the majority and populist politics.. shouldn’t they sort of go together?
Or is it legislating for the majority because we think its good for them even if they don’t?
Isn’t all politics populist in it’s own way though?
Each party puts forward policy that it feels will appeal to it’s core voters, so effectively all policy is populist.
The only time it isn’t is when it’s tough policy which normally means when any party says outright it will have to raise tax etc which is NEVER popular with anyone, but with the current economic situation wouldn’t people be happier with a party saying we have no option but to raise tax etc or cut public spending to get things back on track again.
Parties like the LibDems/UKIP/Greens/BNP can pretty much say anything they like because the reality is they won’t win enough seats to form a Government so they can appeal more with populist policy but when it comes down to it people pick a party that they think can realistically get the job done.
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What Vote No To BNP said Sarah :-)
Although parties tend to have policies that appeal to a set of voters, with the main parties targeting the middle ground of politics, government should never be populist just because it keeps them popular.
Look at Labour and the Iraq war, going to war is an unpopular decision, but right or wrong they made a hard decision and so can’t be described as only a populist political party.
Conservatives are going to slash spending on services if they gain power which will be very unpopular, in their eyes it’s something that needs to be done, would be easier to not cut services so much and be less unpopular, so again not only a populist political party.
Everything I’ve read about the BNP is pandering to their core supporters fears/anger over immigration and Islamification, it’s popular right now to blame lots that’s wrong in Britain on immigration and Muslims, the BNP are a populist political party. I I can’t think of any BNP policy where their core supporters would be unhappy with it?
Also I thought my 6 point example explained why governments can’t be populist (at least not to an extreme), doesn’t work in the real world.
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Voteno and David,
Legislating for the majority and populist politics should go together, not 100% because we do have to make concessions for the good of the economy which some people are not going to be happy about. Populist policies should more weigh heavily on the things that directly affect the freedoms of everyday people, at the moment they are just oppressing people and eroding their freedom of thought, voice and action.
I really can’t say that Labour are listening to ANYONE with the number of iniatives, thought crimes policy, discrimination policy (positive and negative), open borders, demonising home-schooling, benefits culture, under what circumstances you can discipline your children, etc. Where’s the populist policy in all of these? There should be a balance and there isn’t.
The whole political system at the moment is “we know what’s best for you even if you think it isn’t, we’re not interested in listening to you because it’s not in our interest to and we don’t think your smart enough to make that decision”.
Voteno said:
“Parties like the LibDems/UKIP/Greens/BNP can pretty much say anything they like because the reality is they won’t win enough seats to form a Government so they can appeal more with populist policy but when it comes down to it people pick a party that they think can realistically get the job done”
But don’t all parties do that anyway because they’ll go back on everything they said in the first year or two in the hope that by the time the next election comes everyone will have forgotten??
Labour gave everyone hope with the referendum on Europe, to give everyone a say, a choice; and then they lied, big time and sold us out without our say so.
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“David, in one post you are in raptures about some spotty 16 yr old saying he was only interested in the legislating for the MAJORITY not extremists.”
Is there really a need for the above, because a teenager (looked about 14 to me) has an interest in politics and thinks the BNP are extremists, you put him down as a “spotty 16 yr old”!
I see you care about the young people of today, when I listened to the debates from teenagers during the Youth Parliament sessions I felt proud to be British, many spoke with passion and made a lot of sense and would not be surprised if some of them are our MPs of the future.
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Looks like the word is getting out
Jihadist Islamism is comparable to Nazism in many respects.
Interesting article in the telegraph backing up what the BNP have been saying for a long time.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
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The fact that my local market is full of foreigners selling mobile phones and the fact the Labour government has made the public feel ‘racist’ for supporting British traditions is a disgrace. The fact Harehills in leeds used to be a nice area until became overridden with immigrants and muslims. I see this with my own eyes, the UK is changing for the worse. I’m going to vote BNP in this years elections for the simple fact every other party seems to put other countries before ours. The fact the British public has been brainwashed is disgusting. The BNP are the only way forward.
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I agree with you but currently I would not support BNP – at least not yet!
As with Muslims in Christian Britain, they also have the choice to use their own Sharia Law or the British Court system.
Sharia courts in the UK are restricted to what they can actualy deal with to family law but then ONLY where all parties agree to be bound by the Sharia Courts decission, if one party refuses then the British courts are used so in one way this saves the country money in the use of the British Court system.
The BNP try to claim that Sharia is taking over British law however there is zero evidence for that other than if you look into the BNPs own policies Public Courts, Public Floggings, Community Courts able to dispense the Death Penalty isn’t that just a form of Sharia law just wrapped up in different words?
It’s certainly a far harsher set of punishment based laws that any UK Government has ever propossed, and the BNP supporters like to push out the videos of Sharia Law in action in muslim countries, but surely we will be doing the same thing here under BNP Laws, giving people a public flogging? dispensing justice through community based courts?
Isn’t it bordering on Sharia Law to use the BNP Justice System?
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The Reply was intended for Sarah as I gather she is uniquely placed to have knowledge of this subject being a Christian woman living in an Islamic country but as you asked-
“Isn’t it bordering on Sharia Law to use the BNP Justice System?”
The british justice system is far supirior to medieval sharia, no hands being lopped off or gay people being hanged, no women being stoned, no prisoners being beheaded, no one told what to wear.
The BNP would build on what we already have and give more options to judges in sentencing. Certainly no casual awarding of the death penalty by a magistrates court as you have implied.
“Community Courts able to dispense the Death Penalty” NO WAY!
– Free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket which is stopping them from doing their jobs properly;
– End the liberal fixation with the “rights” of criminals and replace it with concern for the rights of victims – and the right of innocent people not to become victims;
– Re-introduce corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals;
– Restore capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an OPTION for judges in cases where their guilt is PROVEN BEYOND DISPUTE.(such as with DNA or other compelling evidence).
– Use electronically tagged “chain gangs” to provide labour for projects such as coastal defences;
– Introduce automatic prison sentences for all repeat offenders;
– Put police back on the streets and remove their current political correctness shackles;
– Allow victims of crime full freedom to defend themselves and their property;
– Make joint custody of children the norm in divorce cases;
– Grant anonymity to those accused of crimes until they are convicted;
– Make police concentrate on real criminals and serve the public, not the government’s political aspirations.
Should you require further information please follow the link below.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
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““Community Courts able to dispense the Death Penalty” NO WAY!
Maybe you should read the blog of Lee Barnes the BNP Legal Director that’s exactly what he is proposing to enact if the BNP get elected, and he has far more views that are equally as bad.
This is where the BNP will fail, they have people like Lee Barnes who proclaims to be a Lawyer but has never been able to prove any legal qualifications, and in his blog he proclaims that he will be in charge of the British Legal system once the BNP are elected, so the ideas this man has will become law which includes the Community Courts able to give the death penalty.
And the major problem is the bNP NEVER once say that they disagree with him or his views in fact they continue to support him and hold him up as the Legal Director or Head of Legal depending which article you read, if the BNP don’t want people thinking what he says will become policy then why not just distance themselves from him and his vision of British law?
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BNP policy can only be determined by the annual party congress.
I gave as full an account of the Crime and Justice policy to my knowledge.
As I mentioned, visit the site.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
But Andrew are you forgetting that the BNP’s own constitution hands over full control to Nick Griffin so effectively he can decide any policy and take that policy from who ever he likes without the permission of the membership.
It’s written in the BNP constitution.
To all those that support the BNP. Don’t waste your time trying to debate anything on here. The site goes under the guise of discussing politics yet states from the start that it is not pro BNP. So much for free thought and the democratic right to vote for who you like then! The site is obviously run by people who have their own agenda; a level playing field doesn’t seem to be amongst them. If it was then why mention anything about not being pro BNP?
The likes of VoteNo ToBNP are naive to say the least. Then again how many Tory voters actually choose to experience multiculturalism by actually living within the very heart of it? Some of us have no choice. How easy it is to spout the usual platitudes about neo-Nazism, etc. Well, better to demonise people than actually debate with them, or acknowledge them as normal human beings with concerns over the open door policy of immigration and what it means for their future in their own land. Of course the right-on PC types that inhabit this site have an attitude akin to that of Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Still, they’re the very ones who are stoking up the fire – and proud the idiots are of it.
If only all the ills of immigration could come to pass and only effect the idiots who support it then I would welcome their suffering. As it is, it is the rest of us poor sods who have to bear the brunt of it. When Enoch Powell stated that we were busily building up our own funeral pyre he cannot have imagined how right he was – or how stupid some people are for being blind to it.
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Happy new year.
How right you are. I stopped commenting for those very reasons.
We have uninvited guests, and they refuse to leave.
If they were in my own house I would have the legal right to eject them.
The detractors and critics of the BNP would not welcome univited guests into their own homes, I doubt it anyway. They would not accept a family of Islamic immigrants taking over their houshold and refusing to leave, claiming it as their own.
So why should we accept them taking over our neighbourhood, our village, our towns and streets, our shops and schools and hospitals??
We did not invite them in.
If the Labour and Tory supporters want them here, they should have them live in their own homes, not displace us from ours.
It is nothing to do with racism, or fascism, it is about our homes, our neighbourhoods, our land.
We want our country back.
Vote BNP.
PS – Happy new year to all BNP supporters, and that is my last word on this stupid timewasting web site.
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Mike, whilst agreeing with you on the bias by the sites owner & moderator, who admits being anti BNP & pro labour despite the proven criminality of that party, we have to continue to post sensibly, ignoring uaf provocateurs like “vntbnp” whose so called arguments are disproved time after time!
Otherwise the REAL OBJECTIVES of the BNP will continue to be hidden from any open minded person coming on to this site! Which is exactly what “vntbnp” & his ilk want!! It just proves how worried lib/lab/con are to desperately try to drown out the worries of the AVERAGE BRITISH VOTER with continual lies & smears! Yet they do NOTHING to prevent the slide of OUR country into chaos, contiuing to flood in more immigrants, pander to the muslims, give more power to the unelected bureacrats of the EU, continue to send our inadequately supplied troops to be killed in an unwinnable war, bail out greedy, negligent bankers and pour billions of pounds into the pockets of corrupt politicians in the overpopulated third world!!
Incidentally, it would appear that the Americans are blaming US for the latest muslim bomber, saying he was radicalised here and that our govt & the university he studied at did nothing to prevent it! NO SURPRISE THERE THEN! see https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/6913572/Americans-blame-Britain-for-rise-of-Islamic-extremism.html
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No one institution can be held intirely responsible for the actions of an individual.
People can be one thing one day and something completely different the next.
One day this guy is studying in Britain – he may have heard a few harsh words towards him in the way of racism – brushed it off. The next day he starts hearing more about the extremist views of other Muslims – he’s feeling hurt about the words he originally brushed off – it SEEMS to make sense – he buys into it. He’s brainwashed & or bombarded with confirmations of what he’s been told due to hightened awareness to what he’s been told. And one day he decides to go and do something radical.
SOUNDS FAMILIAR: One day this white person’s studying in Britain – he may have heard a little on the news about extremist Muslims attack on London’s tubes – brushed it off. The next day he starts hearing some views that the BNP are presenting – he’s feeling hurt, remembering the extremist Muslim’s attack – it SEEMS to make sense – he buys into it. He’s bombarded by confirmations of what he’s been told due to hightened awareness to what he’s been told. And one day he goes and votes for the BNP who, thanks to his vote, can now ethincally cleanse the UK.
Its the same old same old: it SEEMS to make sense in ones HEIGHTENED SENSE OF AWARENESS TO WHAT ONE’S BEEN TOLD & a few exposures but in ALL REALITY the boy who committed the radical act lacked knowledge of the views of the majority, becomes narrow minded & therefore is unable to access contrary evidence so loses contact with reality and is therefore unable to properly assess the possible consequences of his actions.
The white person lacked the knowledge of the views of the majority, becomes narrow minded & therefore is unable access to evidence to the contrary and so loses contact with reality and is also unable to properly assess the consequences of his or her actions.
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Just because one wants to VoteNo on the BNP does not mean they automatically support the ‘ills of immigration’.
It more likely means that they don’t support more of the extremist views that BNP stand for or they are fearful of the open ended comments that the BNP make about the policies they would put in place once in power.
Such as the returning Britain to the % of white people present in Britain in 1948.
This would mean turfing millions out of their homes, millions who may have lived here for generations and who may not have any ties to the countries their ancestors came from. Imagine the BNP found out that you have a great great great great Grandfather who had an Iranian mistress who spawned your great great great grandfather and so you had to go and live in Iran just because the BNP think the colour of ones skin directly causes them to rape, kill, and have aids (I quote the BNP).
I think the UK should be very cautious of who is allowed into the UK and they seem to have an ‘open door’ policy that needs to be changed but the above is not the answer.
THAT is why I would voteNO to the BNP and then lobby for the change of policy.
We can lobby you know…it would be foolish to succumb to those who seem to be offering an easy solution that washes the publics hands of any effort. And the BNP offers a simple solution but as we all know simple solutions are never that simple.
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