Comment on Islamification of Britain by K.

Its give and take in life – u took something so now to give back….after all a father’s debt has to be paid by the son…isnt it?

and reading between the lines…i meant practice both cultures when required….if im within my cultural surrounding i adapt to practice mine and when in a British culture surrounding then I change….Its about adapting to each situation and doing your best

you see people like you always want to read between the lines and cause arguments and fights between human beings….I dont care what you are…to me you are a human being and as long as u are nice to me ill be nice back to you.

Its a shame that the world has come to become that we treat our pets better than fellow human beings…a real shame…humanity has been lost!!

More Comments on Islamification of Britain by K

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Have you ever thought about the fact the britain colonised the world for around 200 years and extracted those countries resources so now its payback time….those people are moving here …

More Comments by K

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Have you ever thought about the fact the britain colonised the world for around 200 years and extracted those countries resources so now its payback time….those people are moving here …