Comment on Islamification of Britain by kate.

“Plus the government love illegals because they can them pay them very low wages”

“Kate are you suggesting the government deliberately hires illegal immigrants to keep wage costs down?

Have you conveniently forgotten who passed the national minimum wage legislation and who passed the legislation to fine businesses that hire illegals up to £10,000 per illegal (after watching various documentaries seems the average is a £5,000 fine per illegal).”

No, I haven’t forgotten this but it doesn’t seem to work does it? Besides I am not talking about the government doing the hiring. I am saying that the government finds illegals and some of them end up being given legal entitlement to stay when, instead, this should be sent back to wherever they came from which would then send out a strong message to those who bring illegals over that it is not going to work. My point was that illegals can be paid very low wages by whoever employs them and £10,000 fines or not, the people doing this are very adept at hiding themselves away. By the time they are caught (if they are caught) they can have made a fortune beforehand ie a £10,000 fine is probably nothing to them if the work the illegals are doing are producing massive profits which, I believe, they are!

But all of this does not cover my specific point that we did not and do not need more and more migrants entering the UK. Let’s put it at a more basic level. Imagine the UK is your home! You have a certain amount of money to support those inside your home, once your family grows to a certain size you have to say “OK Sally (or whoever your wife is) we can’t afford any more children so we will have to stop producing because the strain on our budget is becoming too heavy! You would stop wouldn’t you? Our services in all areas are strained at virtually breaking point in the UK.

More Comments on Islamification of Britain by kate

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Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

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You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

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