Comment on Islamification of Britain by TEvans.

Intolerance in any shape or form is wrong, what people seem to forget is that Islam is like all other religions, all other books, or songs. It can be interpreted in many ways ,if one is exposed to selective reading or listening.
That does not mean it should be banned from society. Not all Muslims are fucking mental like Abu Hamza, and not all christians are fucking crazy like Fred Phelps. There is a common link between these two prime examples of fanaticism; both are intolerant of other’s respective lifestyles, spouting hatred every time they open their mouthe’s. And neither are at all, in any shape or form, representatives of their religions.
No one who advocates violence, or hatred should ever be considered for positions of office in this modern day British society.
Laws should never dictate values, so though this is officially a Christian country,it’s morality is not enforced or enshrined in our laws. Our State is, unofficially, secular and shall remain so as long as there are reasonably minded people in our country. In order that , in idea, it should remain neutral when it comes to a conflict of beliefs, only stepping in to prevent the violence that these lunitics encourage.
Though it seems that the government is afraid to upset this fucked up balance, and so quietly tip-toes around this exremism, afraid to be labelled racists, which they wouldn’t if they addressed all fanaticism. Then perhaps people wouldn’t be so frightened of the ‘threat’ of Islam, and perhaps wake up and realise what it is to be British, tolerant and reasonably minded enough to realise that we’ve lived in a multicultured for over 50 years now.

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