Comment on Islamification of Britain by kate.

Did I say finally?? So ‘they’ have lost this country 700 billion have they? Sadly for those you so patently despise, these very people still vote for Labour and I presume you do too!! So the very people that you despise support the government that you prefer to have but that government is not good to the people you despise. I, though, do not despise them, I want better for them. I want them to be given all sorts of help BUT Gordon Brown and Blair have decimated our economy (amongst other things) and in all sorts of ways. When Labour came to power, the Treasury was full and the UK was doing well. Also, those who have cost this country 700 billion (your figure and I have not so far checked it but that is beside the point) are not all indigenous to this country so you can’t blame it all on them. The sad fact is that the “out of work” English/Irish/Welsh subjects of this country have been encouraged to stay out of work. Labour does not want them to work so they are provided with little education and no skills which would allow them to have better lives. Brown WANTS foreign workers and yet he had the crass to say in the last election something on the lines of British jobs for British workers (LIE after LIE after LIE) – oh really – but you, David, have told me that they are a cost to the country of 7 billion. Well, if they are being left to rot at the bottom of the barrel then they probably deserve the 700 billion (or at least part of it) in compensation. However, they COULD have been educated and usefully employed but that is not LABOUR’s desire. As to nursing staff /doctors etc. etc., I still recall one English girl who was a straight A student being DENIED the opportunity to study for a medical degree in this country – she had to go abroad. You see the talent is already here, we do not truly need to import it. We have exported talent for years and years and years; trained all sorts of people for all sorts of jobs around the globe.

I shall not insult your own intelligence but I will say this, you cannot own a site such as this one and not expect people to disagree with you – what is the point! I haven’t even touched upon Islam yet – obviously I am on the wrong site! And by the way, why do you have this site? The mind boggles!

More Comments on Islamification of Britain by kate

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

Labour with their lies of Fair for all!

You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?

“Newspaper report 75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?
so much for immigration being good for the economy i think MOST immigrants will …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

“Plus the government love illegals because they can them pay them very low wages”

“Kate are you suggesting the government deliberately hires illegal immigrants to keep wage costs down?

Have you conveniently …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Whilst the current government do virtually nothing at all to remove illegal immigrants from this country, once found of course, but instead end up making them legal because of their …

More Comments by kate

Workshy English Workforce

Isn’t this what you had to say and yet you tell me that our English workforce as workshy – you are a hypocrit!

£Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a …

An estimated 590,000 people arrived to live in the UK in 2008, the second highest figure on record after 596,000 in 2006

I decided to get on your site for IMMIGRATION since this has nothing to do with our dear ISLAMISISTS!
Nebuccadnezzar (sorry about the spelling!) didn’t see the writing on the wall …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

Labour with their lies of Fair for all!

You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?

“Newspaper report 75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?
so much for immigration being good for the economy i think MOST immigrants will …