Comment on Islamification of Britain by kate.

Finally, David, the sad fact that our country is full of uneducated souls is because our government has done it to them deliberately. Let’s start with all the soaps on TV and other various filth shown in order to pervert them and destroy their minds. TV is littered with propaganda ie how they should act, how they should behave, how they should scream and shout at each other, how they should accept this or that. On top of this, they are not given anything which might help them excel. These people are left on the scrap heap. Years ago, young people would have been given apprenticeships ie those who could not obtain the necessary qualifications to go to University so that they could find meaningful employment. The government keep changing the educational guidelines so these poor people are completely shoved to the bottom of the pile. I have every sympathy for them because currently they don’t stand a chance. If a man is given the means to work and not handouts, he will work but the government doesn’t want that! In the 70’s the government said that our population would be out of control by 2010 so the advice was that we should only have 1.2 children per family. Later, the game changes and we are told that our population is declining (OH REALLY) and that we need migrants. I know this for a FACT because I lived through it.

If you want to RULE, first you debase a society, then you demoralise a society by removing their souls. Give them sex, give them everything a government feels will make them hate themselves. Take away their customs, take away their identify because this is what is happening right now, right under their very noses and most of them cannot see it because they have been conditioned not to. The government just love to break up families – case of divide and rule. Don’t ya just luv it!!

More Comments on Islamification of Britain by kate

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

Labour with their lies of Fair for all!

You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

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“Newspaper report 75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?
so much for immigration being good for the economy i think MOST immigrants will …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

“Plus the government love illegals because they can them pay them very low wages”

“Kate are you suggesting the government deliberately hires illegal immigrants to keep wage costs down?

Have you conveniently …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Whilst the current government do virtually nothing at all to remove illegal immigrants from this country, once found of course, but instead end up making them legal because of their …

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Isn’t this what you had to say and yet you tell me that our English workforce as workshy – you are a hypocrit!

£Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a …

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I decided to get on your site for IMMIGRATION since this has nothing to do with our dear ISLAMISISTS!
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Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

Labour with their lies of Fair for all!

You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?

“Newspaper report 75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?
so much for immigration being good for the economy i think MOST immigrants will …