Comment on Islamification of Britain by kate.

Let’s do get the figures right! You state, I think 1.2 million Muslims, while others state 2 million. Add on the other million unaccounted for and hey presto – are we full. Then depending upon how you mathematics are: (let’s take the middle figure of 2 million – just to be fair!!) add 30% being a general tax figure including National Health insurance and one get approx. = 2.6 million pounds a year spent on immigrants in one form or another. Let’s say that they have lived here for 10 years and that 75% of them have been on state benefits so (£2.6 million x 10 = £20.6 million which means they have only contributed to 25% of that figure – the rest comes from us. Consider also that our elderly, fragile and unable to speak for themselves who are mostly indigenous to these islands and have worked, slaved, fought for their country, paid their taxes and national insurance contributions are expected to sell their homes in order to receive elderly care in either care or residential homes. In effect, those who fought during the war are being left with nothing. The money the government takes from the sale of their homes, remember this: tax and national insurance contributions have ALREADY been paid. So what do the elderly get. Got it in one: NOTHING. Do the immigrants care – no – they just ask for more and more and more. It’s disgusting.

More Comments on Islamification of Britain by kate

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

Labour with their lies of Fair for all!

You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?

“Newspaper report 75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?
so much for immigration being good for the economy i think MOST immigrants will …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

“Plus the government love illegals because they can them pay them very low wages”

“Kate are you suggesting the government deliberately hires illegal immigrants to keep wage costs down?

Have you conveniently …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Whilst the current government do virtually nothing at all to remove illegal immigrants from this country, once found of course, but instead end up making them legal because of their …

More Comments by kate

Workshy English Workforce

Isn’t this what you had to say and yet you tell me that our English workforce as workshy – you are a hypocrit!

£Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a …

An estimated 590,000 people arrived to live in the UK in 2008, the second highest figure on record after 596,000 in 2006

I decided to get on your site for IMMIGRATION since this has nothing to do with our dear ISLAMISISTS!
Nebuccadnezzar (sorry about the spelling!) didn’t see the writing on the wall …

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

And David you can keep your PERSONAL site. I will not have a conversation with someone who is blatantly rude, who calls me names and trashes everything I say …

Labour with their lies of Fair for all!

You are a bloody communist – may you hang yourself. I try with all my might to be pleasant, to cover the points you raise as best I can …

75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?

“Newspaper report 75% of immigrants claim benefits within 6 months of receiving their national insurance number?
so much for immigration being good for the economy i think MOST immigrants will …