Comment on Islamification of Britain by Dominic.

Religion and Politics are allowed to mix, the Church of England is a State Religion. The Queen the figurehead, the Archbishop of Canturbury installed by Prime-Minister. As a result the Prime Minister can not openly be Catholic, and nor can the Queen marry a Catholic. However, the PM can be Muslim, and the Queen could marry a Muslim. Abolish that law, and you have more equality, except of course you’ll get a totally different reaction. The C of E was established as a method of control by the Government over it’s people. For example the Catholic Church claims to be Apostolic and History supports this (so is valid if you beleive Christ was who he said he was). The C of E is not, the C of E is controlled by government. The Archbishop is told what to say by government and has to led to him agreeing with abortion and euthanasia despite his followers probably not. The Government uses it’s state controlled religion to influence beleivers into agreeing with it’s policies. Please don’t fool yourselves into thinking Religion and Politics don’t always mix, they continually mix. More than we realise.

One of the things with a democracy is as you said, People Power. It becomes a contradiction in terms and conflict of interests if you then allow or tolerate certain things that could potentially threaten the “Power of the People”. Having studied Islam for many years, I can tell you that they do not beleive in Democracy, and they certainly do lot like Free Speech. Shariah Law (God’s Law) is all-powerful and will be introduced should they reach positions of Authority. This is absoloutely true, to ignore it is to do so out of plain Western, Uneducated, Ignorance.

In Muslims countries homosexuals are often executed or persecuted, Women treated disgracefully, and Children married off at ages we would consider pre-teen.

This is all in line with traditional Muslim values. Of course this doesn’t mean I am saying, all Muslims are bad, evil terrorists. No that would be foolish, most of them are very nice, friendly, kind, tolerant people. Unfortunately most of them in Britain that is as opposed to abroad. Nevertheless, I am not speaking of the PEOPLE I am speaking of the Theology and the values it holds and teaches. Many British Muslims don’t realise their religion teaches this, why? Because really, “moderate” Muslims are not real Muslims at all.

You often here people say “extremist, sexist, racist, Muslims aren’t proper Muslims, they are extremists”. On the contrary, they are proper Muslims, following the example of Mohammad and age old Traditions set forth in the Hadiths and Qu’ran. This means that many British Muslims live in Ignorance (perhaps unaware the punishment for leaving Islam in Shariah Law is ALWAYS death). If we tolerate too much of the Traditions of Islam, and hand over power to a group of people out of ignorance because they are “nice people” we would make a big mistake in that, we would be giving power to a group who could potentially replace it with their own values. Then it will be too late for us, too late for our Christian values, and far too late for the MODERATE Muslims.

Christianity teaches to tolerate, and that we should. However we should also be on our guard, Christianity teaches us to protect the Church and our Faith as well as each other. We must never allow something that could threaten our values and rights to have power. Islam should be tolerated in this country (if the people wish) but very strictly regulated. Veils should not be worn in public, and Muslim men prosecuted if they beat their wives, despite that it teaches so in the Qu’ran.

My wish is that do-gooders in Britain do their research on Islam before they feel they have the authority to talk about it. It is by it’s nature a terrible terrible set of values and teachings, followed by a blind and ignorant population, but nevertheless, they will follow it. If they don’t, because they are moderate or (fake) then they will be forced to follow it when we fail to protect ourself and everyone else.

Some say that not all Nazi soldiers were bad evil people, some were probably quite polite and friendly behind closed doors if you weren’t Jewish. Would you hand over equal power to that man though, knowing he was a Nazi soldier? Of course not, you would be much more careful.