Comment on Islamification of Britain by T.S. Andrews.

Islam, in liberal forms, is fine. I also have no real problem if Muslims wish to arbitrate issues under Sharia law PROVIDING: (a) they do not seek to impose Sharia on the wider community; and (b) all parties involved are FULLY INFORMED, and give FULL CONSENT (i.e. they weren’t coerced into it).

When Islam is imposed upon the wider community, it then becomes a threat to British culture; this stands true of any “alien” culture. The current extent of multiculturalism is, therefore, a little too much. To give a poor analogy (apologies), non-native cultures to a country (ANY country) is like adding salt (or any other seasoning) to a meal: in moderation it can be good, but too much spoils the meal.

Overall, NONE of those options are truly apt. Do I think that Muslim immigration should be encouraged? No. But do I think it should be outright halted either? Well, no. It only becomes a real threat (as stated above) when in its most extreme forms, where it is imposed on people, or where it occurs en mass.

Of course, in countries that are Islamic (whether you agree with Islam or not), they should have just as much right to keep their religion/culture.

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