Comment on Islamification of Britain by Steve.

Ye, these are slowly taking over our country anybody who cant see that is blind or doesnt live in the real world, if these muslims actually wnated to integrate eventually then they wouldnt have built all these mosques everywhere, because they would be unneccessary because surely they would be converting to christianity, strange how people can be so blind at what these people are doing, the chinese have been in the uk longer than these muslims, do you remember any riots etc between chinese an british natives, didnt think so, at the end of the day if they dont like it, they should just leave, which is unfortunately what most indigeonous people have done now, left to places like Spain, Australia Canada etc because of that joke of a government thats currently in power, anyway if anybody has any pride in the UK then they’d vote BNP but most people seem ashamed to be British these days, and to those, they should leave and go and live in Pakistan and Bangladesh with their friends as thats clearly how they like things

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