Comment on Islamification of Britain by Danny.

Who cares if there’s a mosque on every corner? Where I live is pretty religious, too. The only difference is that the religion here is Christianity. It’s good that people are spiritual and pro-community. Muslims and Christians tend to be that way inclined, as do many other people, regardless of religion. You sound like someone who doesn’t give a toss about their fellow human beings. People who use the mosques are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, husbands and wives. Children of all denominations in your local schools play with each other, argue about Match Attack cards, talk about their favourite bands…If kids can do it, why can’t you?

More Comments on Islamification of Britain by Danny

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Only men are allowed into mosques? Since when???? I understand that Islamic men and women worship God separately, and that the children go with the women. That is the same …

More Comments by Danny

Islam and the Islamification of Britain Discussion and Poll

Only men are allowed into mosques? Since when???? I understand that Islamic men and women worship God separately, and that the children go with the women. That is the same …