Home Secretary Theresa May has indicated in a speech that the ASBO’s (Anti-Social Behavioural Order) might be scrapped.
May said in a speech today it is “time to move beyond” ASBO’s, indicating the potential scrapping in England and Wales.
Launching the new review system Theresa May said it was time to “stop tolerating” bad behaviour.
I have to say ASBO’s are too weak, more than half of the Anti-Social Behavioural Orders given out were breached from 2000-2008.
We need a more punishing action to do with youth crime and anti-social behaviour. Yobs treat them like badges of honour we need to be more firm and hard with the way we treat young offenders.
I hope they are removed and more importantly; replaced with a more ‘harsh’ punishment.
Author: Caleb Law age: 13
Tonight on the TV News some of the comments were about Binge drinking in the town centres, and the problems with the ASBOs’
I think a good answer for the binge drinking would be where all the trouble occurs put extra tax on the pub/club concerned on the price of their drink this wouldn’t penalise the places that conform with the law. I think this would bring the places with the trouble into line very quick when their sales drop of.
Vandals trouble makers,and yobs who make our lives misserable. Whisk them away from their parents to a penal or nearby army camp and make them work in a labour gang like they do in the states These gangs could help out local councils working six days a week for as long as the sentance.
I don’t think you’d get many re-offending.
Anyway food for thought think about it.
ASBO,s do work it is the courts who let the system down with soft sentences with breaches making it no deterant.
ABSOs were a good idea when they came in the trouble is that most of the original safeguards have been dismantled and the schemes widened to cover normal social activity so now practically anyone employed by a Council can now fine practically anyone with anyone allowing the laws to be implemented selectively to victimise individuals
Meanwhile the real criminals have got wise know exactly how to play the ASBO system making it a bit of a farce.
Bring back National Service and Corporal Punishment in Schools!!! Respect, there has been no respect here in the UK since Corporal Punishment was scrapped in Brussels back in the 70’s!!!! Never did me any harm!! The Army days were some of the best days of my life!!!
You’re kidding? ASBOs were never a good idea. They fly in the face of “innocent until proven guilty” and allow people to be locked up without trial. They have helped the steady slide towards a police state and should be scrapped as soon as possible. Most, if not all, anti-social behaviour can be categorised as other behaviour for which there are penalties (e.g. intimidation) that can be applied AFTER you’ve been found guilty of any allegation made against you.