Comment on Green Party Policies : The Disabled by Robert.

Well I will never vote UKIP same as voting BNP, but sadly i will not vote Green 25 billion 50 billion 100 billion for nukes which will never be used seems ridicules the UK should be saying no sorry no more Nukes we must live without them.

But i note the green need to go on a disability awareness course as well some of the words naughty naughty nobody is handicapped, what you think we are winning horses.

The fact is society does cause people with no legs problem for example steps pesky things, stairs pesky things, tiny little small lifts no thanks.

But of course when you want a person to work you want the best even if it’s making a cup of tea, not somebody in w wheelchair, jobs are not charities in fact working for a charity they need the best, I think killing anyone with a disability is best and Boy do i have disabilities, kill me.

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