According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:

CJ315 The Police service has failed to build meaningful trust with many communities and still does not adequately represent or reflect Britain’s diversity, including its ethnic diversity. The police are only a mechanism to uphold laws which the community in general consider reasonable and fair. Policing must be by the consent of the community. The Green Party therefore supports:

i) Police forces supervised by and accountable to elected local government.

ii) A fully independent police complaints procedure.

iii) Appointment of more community and part-time police.

iv) Recruitment to police forces emphasising selection of candidates with previous experience in other walks of life.

v) An emphasis on crime prevention.

vi) Thorough anti-racism and equalities training for all staff working in the police and related services, and full implementation of all Lawrence inquiry report recommendations.

vii) Strong, democratic community policing committees in every neighbourhood.

viii) More local police stations.

ix) Greater emphasis on ensuring diversity of social, racial and cultural backgrounds at all levels of policing.

CJ316 There will be fully independent inquiries into deaths in police custody and the police shooting of civilians.

I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on UK Green Party’s Police Services policies in the comments below?