According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: CJ500 Gun crime is a particularly serious problem and the Green Party is committed to tackling it by ensuring a high level of gun control as well as addressing the […]
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As UKIP’s PPC for Glenrothes, I hope the Greens never have an opportunity to implement their 1938 Nazi gun ban (yes, Hitler had the same idea).
I will lobby for Britain’s gun control laws to be relaxed to allow private citizens to carry concealed firearms. I see this as a stepping stone to the complete abolition of Britain’s gun control laws.
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Its not the gun that kills its the animal behind it!! I used to teach pistol shooting to the police as well as the public until they put a ban on it. since the ban on the hand gun Gun crime has gone through the roof. May be it would be a bad idea to bring the hand gun back due to the criminals Eastern Europe and the Middle East! it was a bad thing the day they banned it, yet another mistake by Blair and his cronies!
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What on earth does this have to do with ‘Green’ policies?
It simply demonstrates the ‘Greens’ have no understanding of the real world.
I just listened to Radio 4 talking to the families of children killed in Dunblane. I recommend anyone with an opinion on gun licencing should listen to that on iplayer.
ridicoulous,your ignorance is shocking and born out of predudice,clearly the greens have no grasp of describe shooters as loners simply shows a complete lack of understanding which could be decsbribed in any other context as pure predudice.even bordering on discrimination of a minority group.i would consider myself to be left wing,even socialist,however your predudice shocks me
dunblane was allowed to happen as was hungerford because both hamilton and ryan were allowed to keep their liscences after both been repeatedly reported to the police for inapropriate behaviour.ryan was shooting roadsigns and hamilton was a known peadophile.who had been arrested for indecent assault.the police failed to apropriatley uphold the laws concerning possesion of firearms.both of these guys should never have been allowed weapons.
firstly to obtain a liscence requires joining of a shooting club,with a probationary period of at least 6 months,during which time the police carry out background checks before you can even try shooting.and then upon applying for a liscence they do already carry out a check on your mental health and contact your g.p.even the you must state a good reason for owning a firearm such as competative target shooting or farm management.even then they will probably restict you to just 1 or 2 guns,and only allow small amounts of ammunition.
and as there are by definition many people in a shooting club the “loners” you describe could simply not exist as they would be kicked out of the club.i and my long term partner have been competative shooting shooting at national level for a number of years.and have never met a single person who i believed to be a risk to the public,generally they are amoungst some of the nicest people you are likeley to shooting is a perfectly healthy and legitimate sport
secondly your ignorance of the current law is laughable,you really should have done your homework
pistols are already prohibited since 1997,automatic weapons have been banned since 1920.and semi automatic rifles which were banned in 1998 are restricted to low powered .22 only.with the exception of shotguns,which are generally limited to 2 shots thank god the greens will never get into power.the greens may as well be racsist like the b.n.p as their blind predudice is so similar.
your fiream policies are based on ignorance and predudice not fact.
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“The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others.”
This is the way a democracy works. Your rights as a minority are not inalienable if they are proven to be a danger to the majority.
“All deactivated weapons will be treated the same as active weapons in terms of prohibition and licensing”
So you’re going to lock people in jail for 5 years for having a hunk of metal? Why does shooting and collecting as a hobby make me a potential murderer deserving of punishment?
Unfortunately the Greens are just as nieve as the Labour party. They seem to think passing a law against something makes it go away (simple!).
With gun crime it is the Lawless that are the problem and no amount of new bits of paper will make the slightest difference – they will ignore them.
As usual it is the ordinary citizen who – in the name of political quick fixes (that don’t work) will be beaten over the head with their proposed legislation and called a criminal.
If the Greens think that ANY of these measures that they propose will actually work and solve the gun crime problem – then they are daft and have NO concept or idea of what they are talking about.
Typical politician.
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