According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: DU405 Cannabis would be removed from the 1971 Misuse of drugs act. The possession, trade and cultivation of cannabis would be immediately decriminalised, roughly following the Dutch model. The trade […]
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So, if i was caught growing a bit of smoke for my own use i could face prison, yet getting put in hospital by an ex partner and almost losing my daughter who i was 7 months pregnant with resulted in nothing more than the guy getting a fine and a slap on the wrist. Another reason why I vote green.
Okay, so there’s the arguments I’m seeing about how weed should either be decriminalised or even legalised. But why do any? Why don’t the government start specific weed programmes. I will explain, say there are 4-5 dealers on your street. Each making a substantial profit. Why not only prosicute them if they do not contribute to the community. Put a bit money into the schools or roads etc in that area. Combined this will help the government in there money situation and will help communities rebuild themselves at a calm and steady pace. If you feel different or have any contributing ideas then please. Make yourself heard.
forget other methods, try something different
If the same system is used as in the Netherlands cannabis is taxed.
Combine this with the savings on law enforcement and stopping the criminalization of millions of people, not to mention getting people who just want a smoke away from illegal dealers and whatever else they may be selling, how can legalisation be a bad thing?
In the Netherlands Cannabis is Taxed