According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: DU405 Cannabis would be removed from the 1971 Misuse of drugs act. The possession, trade and cultivation of cannabis would be immediately decriminalised, roughly following the Dutch model. The trade […]
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it is a good idea, the prisons would have more room for people who acctually belong there, like murderers, we all like to see them behind bars. not people who sell a bit of weed, it helps people in serious pain too. there are far many more deaths caused by drinking a year but not smoking!
i mean smoking weed rather than ciggarettes
Moderating drugs is a good idea – is it was legal, the drug companies will make sure it is accessable and at a decent price – hopefully with none of the added junk that comes from ‘local’ dealers to increase the weight,
The problem with drugs is it is a big trade money and a nice market to work in – this has led to an increase in ‘crime’ and those who do grow and sell it can make a fortune by breaking the law, it should be legalized to cut down on these profits going to the wrong kinds of people… – but there will always be crime and illegal substances regardless of the laws – another drug will become just as accessible and available via illegal distribution if it is made legal..
re: Dan – 1.3g for £20? – You are being ripped of big time.. you was at least a 3-3.5 for £25~ – it’s going up the cost, and I’d expect you to pay £1 per g soon enough.
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If cannabis would be legalized, the economy would benefit from it very much, if you could look at the trade of cannabis in the black market in a typical year, it is massive.
If cannabis were legalized, the war on drugs would be well on the way to winning, cannabis is probably the biggest used drug in the UK, so dealers would go out of business, no hostility when scoring a bag sounds good to me.
At the moment you can go to prison for 7 years just for having it, which I think is ridiculous, why can’t people just be left alone in the privacy of their own homes, they’re not hurting anyone, they’re not trying to cause any problems.
I would however put an age limit on it, it has been proved that schizophrenia is linked to cannabis use, but only when taken in heavy doses when the brain is not fully developed, with adults it’s fine.
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its only a matter of time before the british goverment decriminalise cannabis . we pay more for everything compared to most countries and the goverment is still running out of money . the consertives will let the lib dems take action and decriminalise weed if it fails the consertives will blame the lib dems and when its a sucess the consertives will take all the credit . or they will start to tax stupid things . for all you londoners out there a couple of hundred years ago the king was skint and brought in a window tax . yes pay tax on windows in your home the more windows you had the more tax you paid thats why if you walk round old parts of london you will see some old houses with 1 or 2 windows bricked up so they paid less tax . BELIVE IT OR NOT . if they dont find a way to reduce the defisit thats what were heading for . i wish the goverment would realize they work for us the people they have got it in there heads we work for them . they need to wake up . amsterdam is still here they havnt all gone crazy and killed each other they have low crime rates and clean streets . what do we have here high crime full prisons and boke and blood over our streets from people getn blocked and beatn lumps outa each other . i know id rather sit in a cafe with a coffee and a joint on a friday nite and have a laugh instead of sitn in a and e with my head split open from some knob who got blocked and lobed a bottle down the street .
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and 1 more thing mr cameron and mr clegg better not stabb the people in the back over cannabis they have openly said on record ( before elected ) that they will decriminalise cannabis if elected . how ever i dont belive them i dont think it will happen for some years yet i think they will wait and see what happens in america when congress pass the legal weed bill for calafornia this november and if all goes well there the uk mps will get a wiff of the cash there losing out on and that will be the tipping point to change there minds . they say its about SKUNK now because there last point ( ITS A GATEWAY DRUG ) has been proved false . it really pisses me off big time how mps go on tv and tell lies propaganda and scare stories about cannabis and always mention weed when they talk about the dangers of herion and cocaine . as a nation we should let the scientists professors and doctors vote if cannabis should be legal or not for adults. and make the mps listen and abide by what the EXPERTS say . mps are here to do what the public want thats why WE vote for them .they do not vote for us they work for us . i also have been putting out online if cameron and clegg dont take action on weed and make tuffer pentelys instead of legalisation . VOTE GREEN PARTY EVEN LABOR ANYONE BUT CAMERON OR CLEGG AT THE MINUTE THEY GOT POWER BY TELLING LIES . and steve burns you sound like a 5 year old this is a adult website . if you keep slagn people ill tell you mummy and shell take your computer away grow up.
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Cannabis should be legalised, never mind decriminalised. Selling cannabis on the shop shelves would bust the currently illegal cannabis farms, significantly improve our rates of crime, create more room in prisons, and will not only save the Government money, they would indefinatly tax it greatly and make a fortune! Our economy would be in a much more stable state …
For most people, cannabis is not something as addictive as something such as tobbaco, or alcohol. It’s something used more occasionally for the purpose of chilling out – and for many, killing pain. It can be far more effective than something such as paracetomol, or ibuprofen.
I’m not a supporter of the Green Party, I am a Conservative. However, I very much respect these views on Cannabis, the Green Party need to make it clearer to the public that they will not only decriminalise, or legalise cannabis, but they also need to bring an iron fist into politics if they want to win real votes.
The rest of your manifesto needs a real clean as well!
Cannabis should be legalised, never mind decriminalised
if you could trust the political parties to be honest and follow through on their promises of legalisation they would get my vote every time but when the estimated 2 – 3 million cannabis smokers in the uk hide and deny their cannabis use they make this social group seem much smaller and therefore unimportant to the policy makers. if the census had of asked Q17. do you smoke weed? id bet there would be a lot of people who would deny it, so don’t be part of the problem and ‘come out’ as a cannabis smoker to your family, friends etc. 2 good reasons for this.
1. you will be surprised at how many of them smoke / have smoked weed.
2. with the issue of cannabis transparent and made real to people of all demographics who would realise that there is no dope smoking boogyman and these pot heads are people they know. this would lead to improved debate and ‘popular’ legislation is easier to attain.
How many people smoke cannabis in the UK?