According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: DU405 Cannabis would be removed from the 1971 Misuse of drugs act. The possession, trade and cultivation of cannabis would be immediately decriminalised, roughly following the Dutch model. The trade […]
Continue Reading Green Party Policies : Cannabis
This is really great news. Please make some very public announcements to the public so everyone is aware of it. I was convicted once for possession of cannabis, and that conviction then stopped me being able to find work. This is a crime to me, I am a fully law abiding citizen in every other respect, and try to live my life right, but that criminal record has left me a criminal in the eyes of most UK employers. Now I’m in the position where the conviction is spent but I have no work experience to write on my CV, all because of our countrys draconian drug policy. The misuse of drugs act has virtually ruined my life, and change could only be a good thing. If this is still your policy you will be getting my vote. Thanks, Rob Zawadzki.
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Make poverty history, cheaper drugs now.
The amount of tax they could generate by decriminalizing it and issuing a permit for cultivation for personal use of up to 10-15 plants per time, if the permit is reasonably priced that is, say £100-£200 per year.
The money saved by the authorities not pursuing this illegal law, the money generated by the permit tax… we are talking millions here.. Not to mention the jobs this would create, people wanting joiners and electricians to build/help build and maintain their grow rooms, increase in grow shop sales, the electric and water companies getting paid for the extra consumption instead of the current ways, the resources being stolen… (more money going into the economy instead of the black market).
The governments of the whole world need to cease this illegal law on cannabis, admit they were wrong to criminalize it in the first place..
(Read: reasons why i/we think it should be legal, reasons why the big companies DON’T want it made legal)
Why Cannabis Is Illegal! :
Eco-Friendly Fabrics:
Hemp For Fuel :
The Green Party should have this as one of their main policies, watch their votes rise, and ultimately get the seats they need to carry out all of their policies ;)
Peace and love
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Its about time the green party went back to its roots and supported Cannabis wholeheartedly, your current policy is definitely a step in the right direction, it just needs advertising more.
It will save money by cutting the spending on police and courts, about half of all drug spending is spent on cannabis, the most harmless of all the controlled drugs.
By stopping the criminalisation of our youth we give them a better future, by admitting that humans use drugs we can face up to our responsibilities to find safer methods, teaching truth about drugs may save lives as most deaths are caused by combining drugs, especially with alcohol which is regarded as safe because its legal.
Hemp is possibly the most ecologically sound plant on the planet, food,fibre,fuel and medicine all in one plant! we should be encouraging farmers to grow it!
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i dont really have a thought…i’m way too stoned…….
lol at the last guys name to funny. But to the point every1 whos actully spoke out on here is right. If they treat cannabis like tobacco it could technicly make millions, they is alot of stoners in halifax and hebbden alone. So just think about the rest of the country i recon like 60% of the population will smoke cannabis thats a large number of people youd b a fool not to legalise it.
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this is a great idea, think it should definately be legalised, would sort alot of money problems and although the daily mail woul like us to think it, its really not a big issue for most people.
a review of the criminal offence for the possession of other drugs is also a very important and great idea, criminalising drugs doesnt help, it just sweeps them under the carpet and demonises users. it doesnt help addicts, and doesnt stop people from trying the drugs either.
good on the green party!
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