According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election: DU405 Cannabis would be removed from the 1971 Misuse of drugs act. The possession, trade and cultivation of cannabis would be immediately decriminalised, roughly following the Dutch model. The trade […]
Continue Reading Green Party Policies : Cannabis
At last a political party with a positive and realistic policy regarding the use of recreational drugs!
If some of the mainstream political parties adopted a more 21st century approach to drugs and stopped asuming that the only people who use drugs are scumbags perhaps we would have more interest in them. Although I do appreciate it is difficult to observe real life when your hiding away in your tax payer funded 5 Bedroom House in the countryside.
People like doing drugs the’re fun! No amount of ignorant medieval policy will ever change this.
Only 30% of the population vote? Well thats probably because the other 70% are on drugs!! hahahaha!!!
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The work has already been done by Transform Drug Policy Foundation:
I hope it will be applied soon.
Good luck.
I have always believed that if all drugs were decriminalised and carefully controlled,there would be a MASSIVE reduction in crime.
This is definitely a better policy. The current government who are trying to stop drug use unrealisticly don’t realise that it is getting worse. Cannabis is nowhere near as harmful as alcohol in the short and long term. Why can’t these MPs see this! – Very frustrating! However, I still agree that chemical drugs should be banned as they are very harmful to the mind.
Go Green Party! If only more people would vote.
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Finally a policy making more sense at last. We elect a government to run the country on our behalf and from that point of view, keep us safe. We don’t however want to be controlled to quite the extent i feel we are. People want to smoke Cannabis, not everybody but a not small amount of the population either. That is a fact that has been made clear for the last 40 – 50 years. How it’s still falling on deaf ears even now in 2010 is beyond me.
I believe this to be a fairly good and fair policy but i worry that we will never see it, from this party anyway. The chances of them getting to power are very slim, i would hope they are able to convey this view across to the other parties through the seats they will have. Although i don’t hold out much hope, because like someone has already said, the politicians are to far detached from real life and often don’t have all the true facts on things.
I see no harm being caused by decriminalizing it, after all it does not affect anyone else. You don’t smoke it then go raging the streets, from experience you cant really be bothered. It just takes people away from dealers who sell other drugs, which most cannabis smokers would never consider touching. It should be a little less expensive too, it only carries a premium because of the current law. And even if it didn’t we all know and accept the government would take a cut through taxation, which can only help them particularly at this time.
Maybe not legal full stop, but decriminalized certainly. A guy wanting to get a little bit of weed to go have a smoke at home, (like nipping to ‘bargain booze’ for pack of beers) in the same breath as a criminal, (theft, mugging, murder, fraud), the thought of it is criminal.
Anyway i’m babbling sorry, tie it up. The green party have exactly the right idea, i’ll support them, i just hope its not a wasted vote. If the people of Britain thought they would actually see a difference and a better quality of life in many ways, (not just this particular topic), then I think we would see a huge increase in voters. People just don’t care right now because it just dosent get better. But what if it did…
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Cannabis is better than most perscribed medication. Nothalf as many side effects. It should be decriminalized NOW!
I am a Green Party supporter and think that the party should actually push its drug policy to the forefront of its general election campaign, as no other recognisable political party has such progressive policies on drugs. Voter apathy is strongest among the 16-25 age group and this is also the main age group for drug consumption.
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