Comment on Green Party Policies : Cannabis by steve.

and 1 more thing mr cameron and mr clegg better not stabb the people in the back over cannabis they have openly said on record ( before elected ) that they will decriminalise cannabis if elected . how ever i dont belive them i dont think it will happen for some years yet i think they will wait and see what happens in america when congress pass the legal weed bill for calafornia this november and if all goes well there the uk mps will get a wiff of the cash there losing out on and that will be the tipping point to change there minds . they say its about SKUNK now because there last point ( ITS A GATEWAY DRUG ) has been proved false . it really pisses me off big time how mps go on tv and tell lies propaganda and scare stories about cannabis and always mention weed when they talk about the dangers of herion and cocaine . as a nation we should let the scientists professors and doctors vote if cannabis should be legal or not for adults. and make the mps listen and abide by what the EXPERTS say . mps are here to do what the public want thats why WE vote for them .they do not vote for us they work for us . i also have been putting out online if cameron and clegg dont take action on weed and make tuffer pentelys instead of legalisation . VOTE GREEN PARTY EVEN LABOR ANYONE BUT CAMERON OR CLEGG AT THE MINUTE THEY GOT POWER BY TELLING LIES . and steve burns you sound like a 5 year old this is a adult website . if you keep slagn people ill tell you mummy and shell take your computer away grow up.

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Green Party Policies : Cannabis

Its only a matter of time before the british goverment decriminalise cannabis . we pay more for everything compared to most countries and the goverment is still running out of …

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Green Party Policies : Cannabis

Its only a matter of time before the british goverment decriminalise cannabis . we pay more for everything compared to most countries and the goverment is still running out of …