According to the UK Green Party website the Green Party will try to achieve the following if they gain power at the 2010 general election:

AG626 The Green Party recognises the vital role that allotments have to play, particularly in maximising the potential for urban food growing. Allotments need to be recognised for their environmental, health and social benefits. These include: the provision of fresh affordable food, a reduction in “food miles”, the provision of open space and wildlife habitats, the reduction of waste through composting and the absence of food packaging, physical exercise, educational opportunities, and a contribution to community life. The Green Party will introduce the following policies:

1. Local authorities to provide more proactive support for allotments and to work to cut waiting lists where demand for allotment plots is high.
2. New allotment sites to be created on brown-field land. Where housing estates are being redeveloped or newly built, allotment site provision should also be made with them.
3. More public information on the availability of allotments and improved public education on the benefits of allotments
4. Improved access and better facilities for disabled people, such as raised beds.
5. Allotments to be given much greater protection through the planning system.
6. The removal of restrictions on the selling and bartering of allotment produce, as long as it conforms to food safety standards.
7. Allotment provision must be tailored to the needs of those who wish to take them up. This should include creating different sized plots to suit differing needs, and ensuring provision of sites is as close as practicable to all who would like them. Opportunities for allotment sharing should also be allowed.

I would be interested to hear both positive and negative views on UK Green Party’s Allotments policies in the comments below?