Comment on General Election SKY Live TV Leaders Debate in Bristol by Pete Collins.

What the Lib Dem’s didn’t tell is that they have weakess immigration policy out of the 3 major parties, are all for giving up more power to Brussels and being part of this European SuperState that Labour are gently edging us towards.They are also soft on crime with no one and high on benefits…. It would be a disater if they got more seats..

Labour has failed this country and in the 13 years they have been in office, all we have has is spin and more spin. Nothing but lies… Suddenly they want to toughen up on immigration , toughen up on crime and benefit cheats… Give us a vote for this and that.. Well , what happenned to the Lisburn Treaty?… Were’n’t be promised there !!..

Only the conversatives can get this country back where it should be . They will claw back power from Brussels and not let us be run by the French and Germans who do everything in their own best interest. Only the Tories will jail people who carry knifes and toughen up on the people who want to bugger all and live off the state with labours Gucci’s benefits culture they have devised !. £30 Billion I might add – wasted under labour with their over payments.. I can’t see any of that coming back .

Wake up and smell the coffee !!!. Make your vote count !