On Thursday (22nd April) we see the second of three Live TV debates for the three main parties leaders:

Gordon Brown : Labour
David Cameron : Conservative
Nick Clegg : Liberal Democrat

The second live TV debate is hosted by SKY with Adam Boulton as the moderator and will be shown on SKY News at 8:00pm on Thursday evening.

The location is Bristol in the South West of England and the debate subjects will be International relations, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Middle East, UK defence, International terrorism, Europe, United States, Climate change, China, International Development.

The 1st live TV leaders debate was hosted by ITV with Alastair Stewart as the moderator on ITV1 and was viewed by almost 10 million and almost all credible sources agree the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg won on the night by a mile!

General election polls, including our very own weekly general election poll on this website are showing a massive jump in the polls for the Lib Dems with some polls now showing the Lib Dems in the lead for the first time.

The 1st live TV debate has thrown the general election wide open, there’s even a possibility of the Lib Dems being the main party in government after May 6th!

2nd General Election Live TV Leaders Debate Poll

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Poll will be open at 8:15pm during the live TV debate.

Below is the poll from the 1st Live TV debate.

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