Comment on General Election ITV1 Live TV Leaders Debate in Manchester by Oxana.

This debate is a scam and a smokescreen as all the rest of mainstream media coverage of politics. They have not started debating yet, and I said to my partner: “They’re going to do immigration”. And guess what! They did. First thing. Gracefully followed by crime (no connection, I’m sure…)

Immigration is not a problem in this country. The wars that we are waging and wasting public’s money on are a problem. MPs’ corruption is a problem. Capitalism and the credit crunch that it predictabaly and understandably brought is a problem. Climate change that is already affecting people’s lives is a problem.

The list goes on and on and on. Women earning 17% less than men is a problem. The elderly’s poverty is a problem.

All this money that goes on wars could go on education and health care.

The electoral system in the UK is so archaic, that we affectively have a choice out of two non-options. This is not democracy, is it?

But would they debate any of these issues?