We are just over two weeks away from the general election on May 6th and I have to admit I know very little about my local constituency 2010 candidates.
All I know is the name on my current Conservative MP Mark Simmonds for the Boston and Skegness Constituency and he voted against the National Minimum wage, against banning fox hunting and against the smoking ban in public places, so not someone I want as my local MP: why do the Tories hate foxes so much?
I know nothing about my local Labour candidate: Paul Kenny or the Liberal Democrat candidate: Philip Smith. I had to look both of them up just now :-)
So thought it might be time to do some research now I’m torn between voting Labour (who won’t win here) and the Liberal Democrats that came 4th here, but with the big surge in the polls for the Lib Dems who the hell knows how they will do (remember in 1997 when dozens of Labour MPs came to power that even they didn’t expect to win :-)).
This website received over 100,000 visitors last week, that’s a lot of people. If you want to discuss a constituency or an election 2010 candidate I suggest you post the name of the constituency** below and what you want to know and others can dish the dirt or post some wonderful positive info (won’t hold my breath on that one).
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Boston and Skegness Constituency Candidates
Mark Simmonds Conservative MP and 2010 candidate.
# Voted strongly for greater autonomy for schools. votes
# Voted very strongly for the Iraq war. votes
# Voted strongly for an investigation into the Iraq war. votes
# Voted very strongly against introducing a smoking ban. votes
# Voted very strongly against allowing ministers to intervene in inquests. votes
# Voted very strongly for replacing Trident. votes
# Voted moderately against equal gay rights. votes
# Voted against removing hereditary peers from the House of Lords. votes
# Voted moderately for a wholly elected House of Lords. votes
# Voted strongly against introducing student top-up fees. votes
# Voted moderately against Labour’s anti-terrorism laws. votes
# Voted very strongly for laws to stop climate change. votes
# Voted strongly against introducing ID cards. votes
# Has never voted on a transparent Parliament. votes
# Voted strongly against the hunting ban. votes
# Voted strongly against introducing foundation hospitals.
Based on his voting record these are things I don’t like about Mark Simmonds:
For fox hunting!
For smoking in public places!
For hereditary peers!
Against gay rights!
Never voted on a transparent Parliament, what’s that all about?
Basically I don’t like what he stands for.
Do we really want people in power who have voted –
For fox hunting!
For smoking in public places!
For hereditary peers!
Against gay rights!
How backwards!!!
The smoking ban is Fascist and needs to be repealed
The smoking ban is a disaster, it was argued that the pubs would be filled with droves of non smokers, not one extra customer came to our local, but loads of regulars have stayed at home, the result has been that the pub has closed, 8 people are out of work and we have another building boarded up. NICE ONE.
The man voted against homosexual legislation, Good for him. as for the rest, shame on him
So, you may be a gay,anti fox hunting non smoker !
There will be anti gay,pro blood sports smokers !
This is what the election is for,to excercise your democratic right to vote for the party you support.
Regardless of anyone else’s views
Fox Hunting is unnecessary and abhorrent and 75% of the country want to see it remained banned. The Conservatives are ignoring this and pushing this forward citing pest control and national past time as reasons. It is not pest control, the hunters have been breeding foxes for years and using the cubs to train their hounds in order to hunt. If they where really controlling foxes then they wouldn’t breed them. There is a pressure group within the conservatives called Vote-OK working to oust anti-hunt MP’s out of their seats in order for the so-called free vote to be passed so that hunting becomes legal again. This is not democracy.
I doubt any party has policies I can agree with 100%. I try to vote for those who have policies closest to what I believe. I believe hunting with hounds (for hare and other animals as well as fox) is outdated, but it’s hardly a pivotal question to decide an election on. I’d be most concerned about any party who wants to bring in anti homosexual legislation – that is a human rights issue and as such should be outlawed.
Forest of Dean
Bruce Hogan and Mark Harper
Don’t know anything about my local candinates.
I wonder why in all that search for budget holes no one proposes to put more stress on illegal income? I mean I find it really odd seeing people who are driving 50 grand BMW to the benefits office. If they have money to pay for that car why do we all still pay for their support? Why they’re still receiving benefits. Why there is no control over this problem and why I have to pay higher council tax again so they can swap their car for a better one next year? We should at least be all permitted a test drive to make sure the car we sponsored is safe. In my opinion there is immense amount of money going to the wrong people in this way. This only teaches them that the way they live is far better than seriously thinking about getting a proper job after they got their council flat. From what I observe it’s a signal for them to stop all attempts of finding a job. Well, you can’t buy a 50 grand BMW not doing anything, can you? Or maybe you can?… Anyway I think purchases over some certain amount should be monitored so the authorities can checks whether some illegal business is going on. If you can’t prove you earned the money it would mean you simply stole it from others unless you can prove otherwise. This would put a giant plug to our, tax-payers money leaking through holes that the government left unattended. People who really need support are not getting enough of it for that reason.