Comment on General Election BBC Live Prime Ministerial Debate in Birmingham by Robert.

Mr Brown is the best candidat, not so artificial like the other pseudoamerican candidates. I have seen on BBC (this bigoted common lady) how simple british peopele hate emigrants from eastern Europe. I live in Poland and I have been as a tourist a few times in the UK but I am not going to do it any more. As a student I pretended a Germen boy when I was in tha UK, just to get a short job in the pub in the 80′ and all British wanted to kiss my ass, it was real fun for me but real shame for this little people. Now It is nicer for me to go to Italy or Spain on holidays. At least there is the sun, better food and nice, friendly people. London looks like second hand capital now so it will become Islam colony soon what I wish you from the deep of my heart.